Chap. 2 Daily Life Part 2

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I scanned my e-Handbook and walked into the locker room, not really seeing anything big. The pool was just about the same - no means of escape and nothing else to catch my attention.

I began to leave and once I reached the hallway, I ran into Makoto. Like literally ran into him.

He quickly turned around to look at me. "Are you okay (yn)?" he asked.

I nodded my head, rubbing the back of my neck. "Yeah, I just wasn't paying attention." I was gonna start walking away, but decided to ask him something else.

"H-Hey Makoto," He tilted his head a little. "Do you wanna . . . i-investigate anywhere else? Me and Chihiro split up and. . . ."

"It's okay, don't worry about it. I've checked out the two classrooms up here and there's nothing really there. I've just got the library left. Wanna come?"

I nodded and smiled a little. "Y-Yeah."

We both made our way into the library that was just around the corner. Entering, I also noticed Kyoko, Toko, Hifumi and Byakuya were also in the room, plus I saw that the room was covered in dust like nobody took care of it.

Near the entrance I saw a small shelf that was about to my hips in hight. It had a letter on it, also covered in some dust but not as much as the shelf itself. Looking closer, I saw that on the bottom corner of the envelope it said Hope's Peak Academy.

"It was buried under a thick layer of dust," Kyoko said from behind a desk to my left with a hand on her chin. She probably saw me looking at it. "It must've been sitting there for quite a while." She then looked up at me with a small smirk. "Well, shall we see what's inside?"

"But . . ." Makoto started hesitantly, "we shouldn't read other people's mail without their permission."

Kyoko gave him a stirn glare. "What we *shouldn't* do is leave this here without finding what's inside."

"O-Okay. . . ."

I grabbed the envelope and broke the still dusty seal, reaching inside to find a single sheet of paper. I unfolded it and began to read it.

"'From the Hope's Peak Academy Executive Office

"'Throughout the years, we have been committed to shaping the youth who will one day shape the world. We have a long, proud history as an institution of higher learning with full government support. Our graduates enter society ready to take on active leadership roles in every major job field.

"'However, Hope's Peak Academy must now lower the curtain on its glorious history, for the time being. This decision was not an easy one to make, but serious issues beyond our control have made it necessary.

"'But make no mistake - this is not the end for Hope's Peak Academy. We intend to reopen our doors as soon as the issues forcing our closure have been resloved.

"'That being said, this is the end for now. . . . And I would like to personally and sincerely thank everyone for your help and support over the years. For now we are awating official governmental authorization to formally cease operations. . . .'"

"What does this mean. . .?" Makoto asked, slightly reading the letter from over my shoulder.

"Hmm. . . ." Byakuya thought out loud. "The contents of this letter are quite interesting indeed."

"It would seem Hope's Peak had stopped functioning as a school," Kyoko deduced with a hand on her chin. "And judging by the amount of dust the letter had collected, it doesn't seem to have happened recently. If I had to guess, I'd say this letter could be at least a year old."

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