Chap. 2 Class Trial Part 9

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talk of suicide and suicidal actions will be mentioned in this chapter. please do not read if you are upset by this topic. i will leave a summary of what happened at the beginning of the next chapter so you won't miss out. i don't want anyone to hurt themselves or be upset because of the things i write


I quickly entered my room and pushed the door, walking to my bed. Unsheathing the knife from its hiding place, I looked at the blade and thought to myself.

"One jab. . . ." I told myself. "One quick . . . deep . . . jab. . . ."

I couldn't take it anymore. This damn place took everything from me and I refuse to watch everyone else I know here get picked off one by one. I'd rather take my own life if I had the choice.

Raising the knife above my head and holding it with both hands, I started looking down at my stomach where it would soon be.

A soft knock on the door stopped me and I quickly turned towards it, hiding the blade. In walked Makoto.

"Are you doing okay?" he asked, slowly making his way into my room.

". . . H-How'd you get in?" I asked back, not looking him in the face.

"Your door was open. I just wanted . . . to see if you were alright."

I had a feeling I knew what he wanted to say instead and I felt my eyes tear up a bit. He was sweet, but I didn't want Makoto to suffer when I'm not around anymore.

"I-I'm good," I finally reply after some silence. "Just heading to bed."

He nodded in response and turned to leave, starting to shut the door. I waited till the door was a crack away from being shut then raised the knife once more. Not wanting to waste anymore time being around, I began swinging the knife down but was then tackled onto my stomach, the knife flying about a foot away from me.

"What are you doing!?" Makoto yelled while on my back with a worried tone.

I started crying. "D-Don't!" I tried reaching for the blade but Makoto held my arms down.

"Why do you have that?"

"It doesn't matter!"

"Yes it does! You . . . you were gonna hurt yourself and I'm not gonna let you!"

I wiggled underneath him to try and free myself. "Just let me do it Makoto! I can't be here anymore!"

"We're all gonna make it out! I'm not gonna let you hurt yourself!"

I stopped moving and just bawled even more into the carpet. Once Makoto realized I gave up, he quickly got off of me and pulled me to my knees, hugging me tightly to where my only option was to weakly wrap my arms around his neck.

". . . What were you going to do?" he then asked slowly.

"E-End it. . . ." I replied, my face in his shoulder.

"Wh-Why?" I heard his voice cracking, as if he were on the verge of tears himself. It made me cry even more.

"E-Everyone's gone!" I yelled back, gripping his shirt tightly. "My family's either dead or missing, my childhood friend is probably dead a-and now . . . Chihiro's gone! I have nothing! I don't need to be here anymore!"

Makoto pulled away from the hug and quickly cupped my cheeks, wiping away my tears the best he could. His eyes had tears in them and he looked like he was going to cry, but also looked very determined.

A Deadly Class Relationship? (Makoto Naegi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now