Chap. 3 Daily Life Part 6

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I woke up to a new day with the sound of the morning announcement, as per the usual now, then was later stopped by my doorbell ringing. Once I finished putting on my uniform, I opened the door to see Makoto on the other side.

"Morning, Makoto," I greeted, no longer surprised to see him at my door in the morning. He replied back with a nod of his head and we headed for the dining hall. Entering, we only saw Hiro standing in the center of the room.

"Yo," he spoke with a smile. "I've been waiting."

"Huh?" Makoto asked back. "Are you the only one here? Where's everyone else?"

"They went on ahead."

"Where to?" I asked. "What's going on?"

Hiro waved our questions off nonchalauntly. "We can talk about it later. For now, let's go take a bath." He motioned for us to follow him and left the dining hall.

Makoto and I simply starred at each other, dumbfounded by what just happened.

"Well then," I began questioningly, "let's follow him?" He shrugged in reply and we both left the dining hall.

Entering the bath house on the other side of the hallway, we were both greated with a loud scream.

"Kyaaaaahh! Someone heeeeelllp!"

"Hifumi," Makoto exclaimed, "what's going on!?"

We had entered to see Hifumi on the left side of the room near the entry to the bathing area, huddle close to himself in fear. He then saw us enter and quickly ran behind us and hid.

"Makoto! (yn)!" Hifumi pleaded. "Save me! I've never asked you for anything, but I'm asking now!"

"Wh-What happened. . .?"

"Sh-She's trying to kill me. . .!" He then pointed between us towards Kyoko, who sighed before replying.

"I never said I was going to kill him," she replied with an annoyed tone. "I simply asked him a question. I'd like to know why he made the same mistake twice."

"The same mistake. . .?" Makoto repeated. "What did he do?"

"He snuck into the dressing room in the middle of the night and accessed Alter Ego without permission. And when I caught him last night . . . he was hugging the laptop and breathing strangely."

Hina looked both shocked and confused. "Wh-What were you doing!?"

Kyoko took a deep breath and looked at all of us. "I thought I made myself clear yesturday, but since being subtle didn't work, I suppose I have to clarify myself further."

Hifumi screamed again, this ime close to our ears and then pushing us both closer to her. "Hyaaaaah! Please don't kill me!"

"I'm not going to kill you - merely instruct you." Hifumi sighed and looked down at the floor in shame.

Makoto and I stepped away from Hifumi to reveal him to the rest of the people in the room (which were only us four, Hina, Celeste, Hiro and Sakura) in different directions. Makoto then turned to a nervous and sweating Hifumi.

"Um, Hifumi . . ." Makoto began, "could you tell me hat happened?"

"W-Well, I just . . . I was just talking!" he stuttered.

Kyoko crossed her arms and took a step closer. "Which was prohibited, was it not?"

Hifumi practically began leaking with sweat. "I-I mean, you see. . . . Talking to her was just . . . so much fun! Andd I j-just. . . ."

"Whoa!" Hiro then jumped in. "Okay, time out!" He then sighed. "I can't even beliieve I'm about to ask this, but . . . Hifumi . . . you're not gonna tell us you . . . fell in love or something, are you?"

"Hah!" Hifumi pushed up his glasses and laughed with confidence. "That I, the cold-blooded killing machine of the underworld, would ever fall in love!? That's. . . ." He then looked uncertain. "Wait . . . no way! Is . . . is this *love*!?"

"I happened to do a psychic readding for a certain famous CEO oonce. . . ." Hiro then started randomly. "And that gguy was seriously head over heels for a mannequin. He had a wedding and everything!" He then pointed confidently at Hifumi and spoke louder. "And your eyes just now . . . I saw the same look in HIS eyes!"

"Shut up! She's not a mannequin! She's an ANGEL!" Hifumi pointed back at Hiro. "And don't bother telling me angels exist! What we have can't be defined by your petty 'words'!"

Hina sighed very loudly. "Yeah, you're totally in love. . . ."

Hiro placed his hands on his hips and looked at Hifumi with a disappointed look on hiis face. "So . . . how did things end up like this?"

Hifumi sighed and looked at thhe ground. " . . . W-Well, at the beginnning . . . I justt wanted tto hear her say 'Master' one more time. B-But then I was poking around at her settings and stuff, an saw she was a well-designed program. And it was like . . . how can I say. . . .? It was the first time I . . . I was ever able to talk like that . . . with a normal girl."

Hina shrugged her shoulders. "But she's definitely *not* a normal girl. . . ."

"Even when all we did was tallk about my hobbies and stuff . . . she wasn't annoyed or disgusted or anything." He smiled, probably remembering something. "That's the first time a girl's ever said anything like that to me. Besides my mom, I mean. . .  ."

"Your mom says stuff like that to you?" Hiro questioned. "That's kinda amazing all by itself. . . ."

"That's why I was just . . . so happy," Hifumi continued. "It was so much fun! And before I knew it. . . . I found myself, y'know . . . liking her. Her face, her personality, her voice. Even her keyboard. . . ."

Hina tensed up in confusion. "Even the keyboard. . .?"

"I think you have misunderstood the situation, Hifumi," Celeste then spoke up. "Alter Ego was nnot interested in who you *were*. It was interested in what you *knew*. It is an artificial intelligence. It exists to learn. Of course it wanted to hear of things it did not know. You are an expert in many thing Chihiro could not have taught it about, for what that is worth. Alter Ego wants that information - that is all."

"I-I know. . . ." Hifumi replied with a sigh after she finished. "I mean, I do know that. But still. . . . Are you saying it's totally hopeless? Er. . . ."

"You gotta be freakin' kiddin' me!"

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