Chapter 1 Class Trial Part 1

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We finally made our way to the large red doors in the school. So this is what these doors lead to; a room for us to debate on who killed one of our friends. Knowing this, standing in front of the doors now almost made me sick.

Makoto then reached a hand out to grab the doorknob, and I grabbed his shoulder. He turned to look back at me.

"Something wrong?" he asked.

Truely, yes, I've got a lot of things wrong at the moment, but I didn't answer his question directly.

"Just . . ." I started, "we can do this. We'll find who did this to Sayaka and they'll get what's coming to them." Makoto smiled in response. His eyes even lit up a bit - like those are the words he needed to hear to become stronger. He nodded and then opened the door.

Everyone was standing in a small room beyond the doors. Taka, standing closest to the red doors, pointed a finger at us.

"(yn), Makoto," he began firmly, "you're late! We've all been waiting for you!"

Toko sighed with a light nervous blush on her face. "Hmph. I bet y-you were afraid you would be discovered as th-the murderer you are. . . ."

"Let's not jump to conclusions just yet! Save that for the class trial." Thank you Taka, that's just what I was gonna say. "There we can all reveal the details of Makoto's crime!"

I sighed. "You're making the same assumtions as her."

I glanced over at Makoto and gave him a smile. He was nervous, but weren't we all? Someone here killed our friend and we have to find them. What'll happen if we do find them . . . or how bad will it be if we don't?

After a second or so the monitor in the room came on with the familiar face of Monokuma on the screen.

"Puhuhu. . . ." he laughed. "Is everyone here? Okay then. . . . Please board the elevator in front of you, which will transport you to the courtroom . . . where all your fates will be decided. Puhu. I'll meet you all down there. I'll be waiting. . . ." With another ominous and short laugh, the monitor returned to normal.

"Let us begin. . . ." Sakura started with a stoic face as she entered the elevator.

"Good idea," Celeste responded and she did the same.

Everyone slowly got on as well and I saw Kyoko begin to talk to Makoto, so I didn't bother waiting for him. After a second Kyoko stepped in as well and Makoto stood in the lobby, deep in thought. He then said a few words of incouragement to himself and joined the rest of us. As soon as he did, the doors closed and we began to desend.

Our small moving prison desended farther and farther as we all sweated in fear and anticipation. It's nerve racking just standing in the slightly wobbly elevator.

"I wonder if this is how a death row inmate feels when his time finally comes. . . ." Makoto mumbled.

"Rather than that," Celeste responded, "is it not more like a defendant waiting to recieve his judgement?" We all chatted a bit more until the elevator stopped and the doors opened.

I marvelled a bit at the room we all stepped in. It was circular with black and white checkered floor tiles, blue walls with golden pillars all around and red curtains that seemed to block off pathways. In the center of the room was something that looked similar to a playpen for a child, but seemed to actually be where our trial will be held.

"Nyohoho!" the everso familiar voice rang in our ears. "You've finally arrived!"

On the other side of the room there was a very tall chair that stood slightly away from the center, but it looked high enough to see over everything. That's were our beloved friend Monokuma appeared.

"What do you think?" he asked, jesturing to the room we stood in. "Doesn't it feel like a real courtroom? It's like a Hollywood movie set, right!?"

"Not even close," Mondo responed with agitation. "It's total shit."

"Okay, okay, everyone find your assigned seats and sit down! Hurry up, hurry up now!"

We all did as we were told to do and stepped closer to the stands, each of us looking for our seats. We all faced the center and could see each others' faces. I was standing with Celeste to my right and Leon to my left, Makoto being about three seats down on my left. To his left and Taka's left (who was a seat away from Makoto) were what looked like memorial pictures of Junko and Sayaka, but they both had big X's over the faces.

This was it. Our time to piece everything together and determine who committed this crime and why, and to keep the rest of us safe.

The curtains rose on our first - and let's hope final - class trial!

A Deadly Class Relationship? (Makoto Naegi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now