Chap. 1 Class Trial Part 6

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"I think I'd better take one more look back at the case from the beginning. . . ." Makoto began.

"Last night, the killer went to the room Sayaka was in. In other words, my room. From what we can tell, Sayaka invited that person there intending to kill them.

"She attacked them with the knife she'd taken from the kitchen earlier . . . but then something happened that she wasn't prepared for. They grabbed the fake sword I put in my room, and fought back.

"During the struggle, a strike from the sword broke Sayaka's right wrist. . . . And that's when she lost her grip on the kitchen knife. Finding herself cornered, Sayaka panicked and ran into the bathroom. The killer went after her, but couldn't get the bathroom door open. What they didn't know was that my bathroom door got stuck easily, and there was a trick to opening it. Sayaka knew about that because I told her, but of course the killer had no way of knowing. So instead, the killer forced the door open, took the kitchen knife . . . and stabbed Sayaka.

"But with what strength she had remaining, Sayaka left a dying message. . . . To keep the killer from noticing, she wrote it on the wall behind her. . . . And with that, all her strength was gone.

"With Sayaka dead, the killer quickly began destroying the evidence. First, they took off their shirt, which was covered in the victim's blood. Then they took the lint roller in my room and cleaned up the entire area. They wanted to make sure they got rid of any trace they'd ever been there. . . .

"Afterwards, the killer headed to the trash room to destroy their bloody shirt. They tried to burn the shirt the incinerator there. But the trash room was blocked off by an especially sturdy gate, preventing access to the incinerator. So they came up with a plan to use Hiro's crystal ball, which he'd left in the laundry room.

"The killer managed to throw the ball through the gap in the gate and hit the incinerator's switch. For any normal person, that's be an impossible throw, but the killer had the confidence to take a shot. And that's because the killer . . . was the Ultimate Baseball Star. The crystal ball, thrown with absolute precision, hit the switch on the incinerator . . . which then quickly roared to life.

"Having destroyed the final piece of evidence, they left the area with, I imagine, a sigh of relief. But there was one thing they missed. . . . Part of the shirt they'd thrown into the fire burnt away and fell out of the incinerator. The killer didn't notice this, and so left behind a piece of indisputable evidence."

Makoto then glared at Leon, having finished his summary of the case.

"Isn't that right . . . Leon!?" he asked with confidence.

After a second of silence, Makoto continued. "It would appear that Hiro simply forgot his crystal ball in the laundry room. You went there to try and was the blood out of your shirt, and that's where you saw it, right? Seeing the ball, you thought of a way to take care of everything. . . ."

"So, Leon . . ." Kyoko started once Makoto finished, "do you object to anything that's been said?"

"Do I object. . .?" Leon started slowly, then turned into pure rage. "Hell yes I object! I object, I object, I object!" He was screaming so loudly I tried to scoot closer to Celeste on my right.

"I mean," he continued, "all of this is just a bunch of stupid theories! You need evidence! Where's the evidence!? Without evidence, it's all bullshit! It's bullshit and I refuse to acknowledge it!"

"Well then, I guess this is as good a time as any to present the evidence that proves you did it. Makoto . . . I believe you're in possession of that evidence?" Makoto was silent, but Kyoko continued anyways.

"When the killer broke the bathroom doorknob, they didn't use anything from your room to do it. So what *did* the killer use?"

"I refuse to acknowledge you! You're stupid! Stupid stupid stupid! Stupidstupidstupidstupidstupidstupidstupid!!!"

Leon began rambling like a madman, yelling insult after insult, but Makoto just thought for a moment. I actually thought Leon might actually explode from all his anger. I thought it might go on forever, but it just seemed that Makoto was waiting for his time to strike, and strike he did.

"The screws on the bathroom doorknob were removed," Makoto began. "I wonder what kind of tool the killer used to remove them. . . ."

"I mean . . ." Mondo jumped in, "it had to be a screwdriver, right?"

"Oh yeah," Hiro agreed. "I'm pretty sure the toolkits we got each had one inside."

"Then that must be what he used!" Hifumi concluded. "There aren't any other tools anywhere."

"But the tookkit in my room had clearly never been used. . . ." Makoto explained.

"That's because the culprit didn't know it was your room!" Taka added. "They thought they were in Sayaka's room!"

"Only the boys got toolkits," Chihiro mentioned, "so the killer naturally assumed there wouldn't be one in there. . . ."

"Okay," Makoto spoke, "then whose toolkit did the killer use?"

"Stupidstupidstupid!" Leon shouted. It seemed he was kind of muttering at first, but then grew louder and Makoto pressed on.

"It had to be their very own toolkit!"


"Leon, would you mind showing us your toolkit? If I'm right about this, then . . . the screwdriver will show some evidence of being used!"

"Stupidstupidstu . . . uh, huh?" He stopped repeating himself and looked genuinly confused now.

"And if you say you used it for something else," Byakuya added on, "you'll have to explain exactly when, where, and why. . . ."

"And let me say this right now," Kyoko jumped in. ""I lost it" isn't an excuse at this point."

"Stu . . . pid. Stu . . . pid?" Leon looked totally distressed, totally destroyed. Consumed in utter despair.

"So, you have no rebuttal?" Byakuya asked.

Celeste sighed. "Then it would seem . . . we are finished here."

"Puhuhuhu. . . ." Monokuma laughed softly, but loud enough for everyone to hear. "Looks like you've reached your verdict! Then are we ready to cast our vote? You all have a lever in front of ypu. Use it to make your selection!

"Oh," he continued before any of us could vote, "just to remind you all. . . . Make triple sure to vote for someone! You wouldn't want to be punished for something so minor, right?

"Okay! Then let's get excited! Who will be chosen as the blackened? Will you make the right choice, or the dreadfully wrong one? What's it gonna be? What's it gonna beeeee!?"

I looked down at my desk area to see a small screen appear wih everyone's picture on it, including Sayaka's and Junko's (but their's had big red X's on them). I grabbed the red lever on my right and pulled it until it landed on the picture I wanted. The one who was unmistakably Sayaka's killer.

Leon Kuwata, the Ultimate Baseball Star.

A slot machine of sorts then popped up after a few seconds and began to spin the small screens. After about five seconds, all three landed on Leon's picture, and conffetti popped out from around the machine, telling us we were correct.

We found our killer.

A Deadly Class Relationship? (Makoto Naegi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now