Chap. 2 Class Trial Part 6

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Taka looked confused. "What's wrong, bro?" he then asked nervously. "Come on, tell him he's wrong. . .!" He angerly looked at Makoto. "You ARE wrong! You HAVE to be wrong. . .! Everything you just said is wrong! You made it all up!"

"Okay," Makoto responded, "then why don't we look back on this case one more time, from the beginning? That way, everything will become clear, and we'll see if I was right or wrong! First, let's take a look back to before the incident. . . .

"Last night, Celeste saw Chihiro in the warehouse, correct? At the time, she was appearently stuffing something into a duffel bag. That "something" was a blue tracksuit. You can confirm this, right Celeste?" He looked towards her and she nodded in response.

"With bag in hand," Makoto continued, "Chihiro headed out, even though it was officially nighttime. She made her way to the locker room. Specifically, the boys locker room. But how could the victim, who was apparently a girl, access the boys locker room? Simple. Because "she" was really a he. Which is why he was able to use his own e-Handbook to gain entrance to the boys locker room. Once inside, he met with someone there. And the person he met was the one who killed him!

"It seems likely that the killer grabbed the nearby dumbbell, approached the unsuspecting Chihiro . . . and attacked him. And that's where the bloodstain on the poster and carpeting in the boys locker room came from. It was likely in the heat of the moment. The body was arranged, but the murder itself felt unplanned. Which is why the killer hurried to try and hide the act. First, pulling up the bloodstained carpet . . . then removing the bloody poster . . . and finally carrying the corpse into the girls locker room.

"A girls handbook was necessary to get into the girls locker room, of course. . . . But this alone doesn't prove that the killer was necessarily a girl. After all, Sayaka and Junko's handbooks had been placed in the main hall. Using one of those, a boy could get into the girls locker room without much problem. And that's exactly how the killer did it. With the carpet and the poster they'd brought with them, they got to work. . . . They switched the layout of the boys and girls locker room, in what you might call . . . a crime scene switch!

"That could have been the end of things, but no. . . . Byakuya discovered the body and decided to . . . intervene in the situation, making things even more complicated. So, after stumbling on the crime scene . . . he went and grabbed the extension cord from the library, and then *he* got to work. . . . He used the cord to string up Chihiro's lifeless body. Then, using the victim's own blood, he left a grisly message there at the scene of the crime. He wanted to create the illusion that Genocide Jack was responsible for the slaughter.

"And around the same time that Byakuya was putting together this facade . . . the killer, having already disposed of Chihiro's bag and other belongings, arrived at the sauna. There, they planed to destroy the last piece of evidence . . . Chihiro's handbook. And just as the killer expected, the steamy sauna was enough to ruin the electronic gadget.

"Somehow, the killer knew that the handbook couldn't stant up to the heat of the sauna. And the  reason they knew that is because the sauna had already wrecked their own handbook!

". . . And that's how it all played out," Makoto's recolection came to a close. He then looked determinedly at who our killer was. "Isn't that right, Mondo Owada!?"

Mondo clenched his jaw some more and Taka continued to deny the facts.

"W-Wait. . .!" he cried out. "No, this can't be right! Where's your evidence. . .? Y-Yeah, where's your evidence!? You need evidence! You need proof! Without any proof, you can't pin any of this on him!"

Taka began yelling at Makoto, similar to what Leon did in the last trial. Makoto only stood and watched him closely, as if his weakspot was hidden on his person.

Soon, after one last insult from Taka, Makoto spoke confidently.

"If my thinking so far is right. . . ." he began. "Mondo must have replaced his broken handbook with Leon's. In which case, we can just check each of our handbooks right now. Once we do that, we'll-"

"We don't gotta do that," a voice spoke out.

All eyes moved to Mondo, his head down and fist clenched by his heart.


"Yeah. Yeah. . . ." Continuing in his sorrowful voice, Mondo looked at Makoto in a cold sweat. "I did it. . . . I killed him."

"Bro?" A shakey voiced Taka spoke up. "Bro . . . what are you saying?"

"I got no choice, man. After hearing all that, I gotta just . . . give up." Mondo then looked up at our overseer. "Go ahead, Monokuma. Get it over with. . . . Ask for the god damned verdict. . . ."

"Rodger that!" Monokuma replied happily.

"W-Wait, hold on-!" Taka tried to speak against it but Monokuma cut him off quickly.

"No waiting! No holding on! Time for the moment we've all been waiting for! Grab your lever and give it a yank!"

Looking at my lever as he continued, I got shivers. Even though I trust Makoto and know he's right from all the facts, and know that Chihiro's killer will finally get what they deserve . . . this was still setting someone up for their own execution and it made my skin crawl.

"Who will you elect as the blackened this time around? Will you make the right choice, or the dreadfully wrong on? What's it gonna be? What's it gonna beeee!?"

The screen on my desk area showed up again, this time the pictures of Leon and Chihiro had pink X's over them. I grabbed the red lever and quickly selected the obvious killer.

Mondo Owada, the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader.

The slot machine reappeared in our little circle and the screens began to spin. A little bit later, they all stopped on a picture of Mondo and conffetti popped up around it.

Seems we're 2-0 on our score for finding killers.

A Deadly Class Relationship? (Makoto Naegi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now