Chap. 2 Daily Life Part 4

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I woke up the same as every other morning and got ready to go to the dining hall, getting there just as everyone else was. After some silence, Taka spoke up.

"Is this . . . everyone? It feels a little . . . small. Even the table looks bigger, somehow."

"I assume that is because three people are dead, and two are abstaining," Celeste replied, twirling some of her hair.

"Yeah," Makoto added, "with five people missing, I guess it *would* feel kinda empty."

"Still . . . " Hina started, "I know Byakuya's whatever, but shouldn't we go check on Toko?"

"I vote no," Hiro told her. "She's super annoying."

"How can you be so cold?" Celeste said. "You are like a piece of rock candy."

"What!?" Taka yelled. "No, rock candy isnct cold! It's sweet!"

". . .Anyway," Mondo began, "Byakuya's the real problem. If we don't keep an eye on him, he might really kill someone. You can see it in his eyes. . . ." He seemed to think for a second. "We got no choice!" he then yelled. "Get some rope! We're gonna hafta keep him bound and gagged!"

"I think that's going a little overboard. . . ." Makoto suggested.

"He's right!" Taka agreed. "In this situation, there's nothing scarier than when an ally turns loose canon! It's just like when we were kids, and someone would go crazy at sports day or whatever!"

"What the fuck are you talking about!? You gonna use the rope to do tug of war or something!? Idiot!"

Taka looked shocked. "I'm not an idiot. . .! YOU'RE an idiot!"

"Who are you callin' stupid!?"

There was a second of silence till Makoto spoke up.

"Huh? What's wrong, Chihiro? You don't look so great. . . ."

I looked across the room at Chihiro to see she was all alone, tears in her eyes and starring at the floor.

"Oh, I'm just going through a little . . ." -she glanced at me then towards the floor once more- "self-loathing."

"Huh?" I spoke up. "Self-loathing? What's wrong Chihiro?"

"Well, after what Byakuya said to me yesturday . . . I just got so nervous, I locked up. I couldn't say anything. Mondo ended up having to help me out. And even *he* said I was someone who " couldn't fight back". . . . I . . . I hate how weak I am."

This broke my heart. She seemed a bit better after I hugged her, but why would she feel that way about herself.

"Ahh, I see," Hina spoke. "So Mondo made you depressed."

"What!?" Mondo retaliated. "How's it *my* fault!? I wasn't tryin' to be mean! Besides, girls are just naturally weak anyways right!?"

Chihiro looked even worse after he said that.

" . . . Gh. . . ." she mumbled a little and more tears began to fall.

Mondo looked shocked and nervous. "A-Are you . . . crying. . .?"

"It's cuz you were screaming like a lunatic!" Hina yelled back.

"Nng. . . ." She began to hiccup but for some reason I didn't get closer to her to help her.

"Hey, c'mon, don't cry. . . ." Mondo tried, rubbing the back of his neck. "I-It's my fault, okay? I won't yell at you anymore. . . ."

"Really?" Hina crossed her arms as she spoke. "Not sure I can believe that. . . ."

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