Thirty-eight: Hayley and Klaus

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Fear pumped through my mind as memories travelled through my brain, the world around me began to shake rapidly. I gripped onto the table, trying to steady myself as I screamed for Klaus. Hope! He had to get Hope. But the world shook too violently. And then, it came to a complete stop, an emptiness filled me. I knew Hope and Klaus were gone.


We appeared in a woods, unable to see a thing. The darkness seemed to consume us, the trees shutting out any glimpse of light.
"Are you okay?" I turned to Caroline, her eyes frightening. Her forehead wrinkled with worry. She nodded, biting her lip.
Caroline, I remember a time when I found joy in the thought of being with her. She was so different from the mundane girls that I so often cross paths with. She had a fire in her.
At that moment, my thoughts slipped to my Little Wolf, with a fire far deadlier than Caroline's. She was a survivor, and somehow, the thought comforted me.
We drenched through the muddy woods.
"I'm afraid we're going in circles," Caroline said.
"No, I see a light."
It was small, but there and I followed it.
What did he say to you, my father?
Nothing true.
The words echoed through the woods.
Stephan, I love you.
We're planning a June wedding.
I love him, Jack, you knew that when you married me.
This as nothing to do with Hayley!
This has everything to do with her! She's adored you...
"What's going on?" Caroline asked, her hands tightening around mine as the voices from our past lives swirled around us.
She didn't know the life she would have led, if it had not been for Hayley and I who changed the course of it.
"We have to keep moving," I told her. Before it catches up to us, I added in my head.
The voices grew louder.
I'm not girly little Caroline anymore.
Fight back! Fight back! *slap*
Do you have any idea what you have taken from me, Klaus?
I don't want Hope to be a Mikaelson, all the pain that comes with it.
I love you Elijah, I always have.
We begin to run, the past haunting us, chasing us. Until finally, we pass a threshold, and the voices are silent. We stood at the top of a hill, a small town below. A manor stood, and somehow, I knew Hayley was in it. Like her blood was calling me.

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