Thirty-seven: Klaus

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"No, I need to channel an Original. Both, would be helpful," Bonnie said.
We have been at it for an hour, planning to attack a world that Dahlia controlled.
Hayley was trapped in there, Bonnie had informed me, like a punch in the gut. "Dahlia controls her now."
"Do you know why she hasn't woken?" Elijah asked.
Bonnie nodded, "We have to move fast."
"You didn't answer my question."
"You won't like the answer," said Bonnie, warningly.
"Tell me," I whispered.
She nodded, "Hayley might be in danger. I think she's breaking the world, shattering it with her conscious mind. Only, if she shatters the world..."
"She will die with it," finished Elijah.
Bonnie, biting her lip, nodded.
"Send me in," I demanded.
"Klaus," it was Damon who spoke, "it's too dangerous. If you die, so does your entire sire line. That includes us."
"But I'm afraid if you do find anything, Klaus might be the only one to bring her back. Being the only link by "blood" in a way."
"Because of Hope," Elena whispered.
"Yes, they can both channel Hope and the living world. But it will only work if their together. Mixing the blood."
"It's too dangerous," Damon said, eyes wild.
"What if you link Klaus, to something alive?" Stephan was the one to ask.
"That might actually work," Bonnie pages vigorously through her Gilmore. "Here is it," she found the page. "We can link him to someone, like Dhalia did to Freya. That person will be the primary of the two."
Damon, turn his head to the side, contemplating.
"I'll do it," Caroline volunteered.
"No," I disagreed, "it's too dangerous. Anyone wanting to kill me will target you."
"I'll do it," said Stephan, his jaw clenched.
I was about to disagree, but it was Bonnie who said, "We don't have time for this. You're going to have to take Caroline with you, I'm going to channel her, to know when you're in danger and when I have to pull you out."
Emotions boiled within me, then, Hayley started shaking vigorously and time itself seemed to speed up and freeze down. Bonnie was drawing my blood, mixing it with Stephan's. Caroline and I were encircled, her eyes wild, scared. I gripped her hand, trying to comfort her as Elijah screamed from
without the circle. Bonnie's chants began to fade as we were thrusted into a world, one created by my psychotic aunt.

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