One: Hayley

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We sat on the sofas in the living room. Rebekah and I were wrapped in the blanket she has brought from her room. Klaus sat on the single seat closest to me, ever since the vision he has been different. Perhaps so have I, after all, I did see my family fall.
"So what you're telling me, brother is that both you and Hayley have had these... These visions about what events are going to occur in our lives?" Elijah asked.
"How many bleedy times do we have to go over this, Hayley will not live longer than the next 5 years and neither will Hope. I've seen it with my own two eyes," he looked at me, at the mention of our daughter my heart hurt. Just the thought of 6 months without Hope felt like torture.
"Who the bloody hell is Hope?" Rebekah asked.
The mention of her name again made my stomach twist, I missed my baby girl.
"I'm sorry, I can't do this," I told them. I got off the couch, needing fresh air, I went outside. It felt like years since I had seen this house. I was used to the Compound.

"There you are, Little Wolf," Klaus found me by the pool. My legs dangled over the edge, ankle deep with stinging water.
I didn't realize I had been crying until I felt the discomfort of the tears gliding down my cheek. I wiped it away quickly, not wanting Klaus to see me crying.
"She died?" I asked trying to control my breathing simultaneously. He nodded meekly. My chest felt heavy and the lump in my throat grew, the tears choked me. Klaus sat silently next to me, not touching the water. I cried and he listened, the memories haunting us both. I almost felt lucky that they killed me before I could see her death.
The thought of Hope dying cut through me like a blade. My cry slowly progressed to a howl as I realized that my little girl's future was doomed. My heart hurt so much the thought of ripping it out occurred to me. It would definitely hurt less. At the sound of my loud cries, Rebekah and Elijah approached us at a high velocity. Klaus sat dazed, oblivious to my mental break down. Perhaps he just didn't care. The air couldn't find it's way to my lungs or maybe my throat just blocked it out, either way, I couldn't breathe. Elijah and Rebekah moved quickly around me, speaking to each other in panicked voices. The sound drowned my ears, I couldn't make out the words.
Hope was dead! She died! No! No! Nonononono!
"Hayley, listen to me," Elijah held my face gently in his hands. His voice cut through my state, calming me.
"Breathe in and out," he ordered calmly.
Hope is dead! My little girl, they killed her!
The thoughts came back, haunting me. My chest heaved. Heat radiated through my body and frustration took over me. I cried and cried, screaming for someone to help me. My vision blurred.
Suddenly a cool hand gripped mine and pulled me. The water around me was ice, stinging my skin. It travelled everywhere, soaking my clothes and hair. The water rushed into my mouth. I was drowning. I was pulled to the surface faster than I was pushed into the water. This time, the hand gripped my waist pulling me close to a hard chest. I coughed out water, Klaus held me in his arms rubbing my back as I choked. He swam us back to safely were Rebekah waited with a towel for me. She gave Klaus an evil look. My mind shut down, I felt it like a switch.

Hope is dead...Hope is dead...Hope is dead

It played like a loop. I couldn't think, couldn't talk, couldn't live. Rebekah helped me out the cold pool water, up the stairs and into the bath. I let her undress me then I sat in the tub, numbly, staring at the wall ahead. The tears stopped but the empty feeling swallowed me whole.

"Hayley, love, are you okay?" I hear her but my brain is shut off and I can't reply. I continue to stare at the wall ahead of me, I feel lifeless, hopeless. After half an hour, Rebekah says, "Come on love, lets get you to bed." She wraps a towel around me and walk me to the bed. I lay down and Rebakah pulls the blanket over my naked body. Sleep comes faster than I thought it would. I stare at the darkness behind my eyes and than my mind goes blank and the darkness surrounds me.

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