Chapter Two- Haruhi's a what?

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     "My favorite genre to play?" I repeat the question to make sure. The guy sitting with me nods. "Well I generally enjoy playing a lot of pop punk, and soft songs."

    "Ahh," He says. I watch as Haruhi walks towards my table. 

    "Can I talk to you?" Haruhi asks me. I look to my customers and nod. 

    "Of course," I tell him, "its time to switch tables boys." They nod as Haruhi leads me to his empty table. I sit across from him my coffee still in my hand. "So?"

  "I had some questions about being a female host," Haruhi says, "like why are you the only one?"

  "I'm the only girl tough enough to take the slut insults while still making herself an irreplaceable host," I say.

 "Did you join with everyone else?" Haruhi asks.

  "Not at all," I tell her, "I joined a little after the club started. That was when I approached the boys and told them they were missing the male demographic completely and I could help. To which they laughed, so they put me on a trail. I had to get 100 different customers in a week pledge to be my regulars."

  "That seems impossible," He says. 

  "It almost was," I admit, "honestly I had 99 until 30 seconds before my dead line. They all saw how hard I worked and here we are."

"Is it different for you than them? Being a host?" He asks. 

"Kinda," I say, "its harder to get new clients, and even harder due to rumors that spread about me. But I enjoy what I do." 

 "Would you guys bring in more female hosts?" Haruhi asks. Why the hell is he asking all this.

 "Maybe in the future," I say, "we'd need them to not  be a musical type." He nods and looks around quickly. "Why are you asking?"

  "Curious," He says awkwardly. A quickly adjustment of his collar flashes bright pink. Wait a second! The female host questions? The feminine figure? The pink undergarment? Holy shit Haruhi is a girl! 

 "I have clients," I tell them, still confused on what to say. 

 "Right," They say. I wave then slide back to my table pulling out my guitar again.


  "How dashing," I tell on of the guys showing of his new hair cut. The usual banter sits among the room. All of use gleefully working with our clients.

"No, Haruhi, leave me alone! Somebody, help! He just attacked me! Someone, do something!" Ayanokoji screams, "Teach this commoner a lesson!" The twins poor two pots of coffee over Haruhi and Ayanokoji. "Why did you do that?" Tamaki helps her up as the twins stand herocially, "Do something, Tamaki. Haruhi just assaulted me."

"I'm disappointed in you," Tamaki says to her, "You threw his bag into the pond, didn't you?"

"You don't know that. Do you have any proof that I did?" Ayanokoji says.

"You know, you're a beautiful girl. But you aren't classy enough to be our guest, dear," Tamaki says, "If there's one thing I know, Haruhi is not that kind of a man."

"But why, Tamaki? You idiot!" Ayanokoji yells as she runs from the room.

"Hmm, now how am I going to punish you? Because it is your fault after all," Tamaki says.

"Maybe we should cut him some slack," I suggest to Tamaki.

"No, Your quota is now one thousand!" Tamaki says to Haurhi. They recoil at the number in shock.

"One thousand?" Haruhi quivers.

"Come on," Tamaki says as he pulls Haruhi up, "I've got high expectations for you, my little rookie."

"Y/n you still have that uniform?" Kyoya asks. I nod, "Grab it." I run back to the changing room and grab the bag and bring it to Kyoya.

"There," I mumble. He holds the uniform out to Haruhi.

"This is the only spare uniform we have. Sorry, but it's better than a wet one, right?" Kyoya says. 

"Thanks a lot, you guys. I'm gonna go change," Haruhi says. They walk of leaving the rest of us standing together. 

"Tamaki maybe you should take him some towels," Kyoya suggests.

"Right," Tamaki says. He walks to grab the towels and deliver them. I send a glance to Kyoya who chuckles.

"We all know except Tamaki right?" I ask them. They all nod.

"Boss is just a little slow," Hikura says.

"A little slow?" Kaoru asks.

"Tama-chan will find out eventually," Honey says.

"Maybe," I shrug, "but that idiot has the ability to never know."

"She has a point," Hikaru says, "I mean he's so oblivious."

"He's very oblivious," I correct.

"He couldn't tell I hated him," Kyoya says.

"Or us," Kaoru and Hikaru says.

"Me either," I tell him. I look over to Tamaki and chuckle, "....Oh he's screwed."


  "Haruhi?" Tamaki asks in the little group powwow. He had apparently walked in on Haruhi changing and saw a frilly undergarment and it clicked.

  "Yeah," She says.

  "So, you're a girl?" Tamaki asks.

  "Biologically speaking, yeah," Haruhi says as she step out from behind the curtian. In a old small uniform of mine. They looked pretty good ,"Listen, senpai, I don't really care whether you guys recognize me as a boy or a girl. In my opinion, it's more important for a person to be recognized for who they are rather than for what sex they are." 

"Well, isn't this an interesting development," Kyoya says.

"Yeah a second female host," I say.

"Oh, yeah," Hikaru and Kaoru say as Tamaki fidgets.

"Uh, you know, I have to say, senpai. I thought you were pretty cool earlier," Haruhi tells Tamaki who was bright red.

"Now I could be wrong, but I think we may be witnessing the beginnings of love here," Kyoya says.

 "That is definitely love," I say as I lean my head on Hikaru's shoulder. 

"Being a host and getting fussed over by a bunch of girls might not be that bad. I wonder how I could pull it off," Haruhi says, "I've got it! I'll just call everyone dude and bro now." They chuckle while Tamaki stands there baffled. I laugh loudly and smirk to the twins.

"You have an idea?" Hikaru asks.

"For a later time," I tell the, "but it will be fun."

"I expect your mischievous side," Hikaru says.

"To the fullest," Kaoru finishes.

"For a later time," I repeat.

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