Chapter Twenty Seven- Enter The Newspaper Club

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 As I sit and watch the clouds in the peace. "Look at the beauty," I tell my one on one client Aki. He was another 1st year with shaggy black hair and brown eyes.

"Its a spectacular view," He says as I curl up to him. Tracing circles on his arm.

 "Aki my prince," I say as I sit up, "you are my muse."

"R-really?" He asks. I nod proudly still holding on to his arm. 

 "Its a shame that break starts soon and I won't be able to see you," I tell him, "but I'm sure we have plenty of exclusive dates for next semester if you ask Kyoya Senpai."

"I'll be right on that," He says as he stands up and rushes off. 

"Haruhi, duck!" I hear Tamaki yell. I look back to see Tamaki tackling Haruhi as a ball zooms past them. "Hikaru! You came this close to snuffing out the light of Haruhi's life."

"Hey, it's your fault for not catching the ball in the first place, boss," Hikaru says. 

"Yeah, who knew he'd be so bad at kemari? So much for him being the Genji of Ouran academy," Kaoru says.

"What?" Tamaki yells. I roll my eyes and stand up walking towards them. "You wanna say that again to my face!"

"Boys boys break it up," I tell them. But it was no use they kept bickering back and fourth.

"You think so? Well, check this out! Starlight Kick!!" Tamaki yells kicking the ball off into space

"What?!" Hikaru asks.

"So fast!" Kaoru says. But the ball disappears.

"But with no control," I comment.

"Take care of yourself! Bye," Hikaru and Kaoru say as they wave in the direction the ball went. 

"You need to find that senpai," I tell him.

"Looks like it smashed a window," Hikaru says.

"Oh fuck," I groan.


   We all stand in the office of the newspaper club. Honey and Haruhi cleaning up the mess while I read the paper with the twins. While Kyoya and Tamaki were trying to apologise. "Really, we're terribly sorry about that," Tamaki says.

"Don't worry. It's no big deal. Could've happened to anyone, right? Just a ball flying through a window and hitting me upside the head," Their president says. I roll my eyes and share a look with the twins. What an ass.

"Please accept our apology," Tamaki begs.

"Well, this works out perfectly. I was just thinking about approaching the host club about a cover story. I don't suppose you'd be interested," The president says to Tamaki.

"I didn't know we had a newspaper club," Haruhi says innocently.

"It's more gossip rag than newspaper," Hikaru says.

"Yeah, like a trashy tabloid. It's filled with stories about scandalous love affairs, family power struggles, and junk like that," Kaoru explains.

"It just specializes in stirring up scandals and drama. And everyone knows it's all lies, so nobody reads it any more," I tell her.

"You know, I guess we have kind of lost sight of the truth because we've been so worried about drawing more in readers. It's a shame we're just now realizing our error. Now that the paper is at risk," Their President says, "We finally realize what we should have been reporting to the students of Ouran. Help us, please. For our last paper of this semester, we'd like to do an up-close special edition revealing the charms of Ouran's host club members. I'm begging you. Without your help, our club will close."

"You can count on us. On behalf of the host club, I..." Tamaki says.

"We'll have to decline," Kyoya interrupts.

"But Kyoya, he got hurt because of me! What's the big deal?" Tamaki asks.

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