Chapter Twenty Two- Nekozawa's Little Sister.

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   "Did you sleep at all?" Hikaru asks as I curl in a ball on one of the couches in the music room.

"Sleep is for the weak!" I exclaim as I attempt to doze off.

"You look like you haven't slept in a week," He says slyly.

"Jokes on you I haven't," I say to him, "god I feel like shit." I feel something go over my face and I open my eyes to see the jacket of the school uniforms over it. "What?"

"Take a nap," He says, "you need to sleep."

"Thank you," I tell him. He rolls his eyes as I roll over. The soft material of the police uniform was so much more comfortable than the banana dress.

"Why isn't she at her table getting ready?" Tamaki asks.

"Leave her alone," Hikaru says, "she doesn't feel good." Soon I doze off until I feel someone shake my shoulder. 

"What?" I groan.

"Come on we have a guest," Hikaru says. I rub my eyes and nod joining the set positons. 

"Welcome!" We all say as the door opens. A small girl walks in. She had big bright blue eyes and shiny blonde pigtails.

"Oh my, what an unusually young guest! Well, glad you're here... my little lost kitty cat," Tamaki says.

"Awe look at her isn't she adorable!" I say to the twins. 

"Little Kitty Cat, why have you come to see us today?" Tamaki asks.

"It's a reverse harem! This is a reverse harem!" She screams. All of us freeze in shock. Looking around in disbelief. No way. There isn't a way she said that.

"That can't be right. I must have heard wrong," Tamaki says patting his head, "Maybe there's still some water in my ear from when I went swimming."

"Water in the ear," Hikaru says nervously chuckling, " that's gotta be it."

"I'm sure we just heard her wrong. There's no way this cute little girl said the words, reverse harem. Something's going on with our ears," Kaoru says.

"Yeah yeah of course," I say to them, "makes sense." It doesn't at all I just don't want to accept it.

"There is debauchery here," She says causing us to freeze again, "Yay! There's debauchery here, isn't there?"

"This isn't real," I say, "I'm sleeping." I pinch along my arm and groan as I stay in the same place. "Goddammit."

"You're the glasses character," She says pointing to Kyoya, "You are the boy lolita and the stoic type. Twincest. The Rich Diva, And the bookworm."

"She just called me the rich diva," I say in disbelief.

"Big brother?" She says looking at Tamaki, "My brother's blond! You must be him!" She jumps in his arms wraping hers around his neck.

"You never told us about this!" Hikaru says.

"Since when do you have a little sister?" Kaoru says.

"I'm still stuck on the rich diva thing," I say.

"I don't! I'm definitely an only child... at least as far as I know," Tamaki says.

"The more I look at you, the two of you do look a lot alike," Honey says, "You are both blond after all."

"I want to know if glasses character's superior to big brother," Kyoya says.

"But does it really matter? I can't believe she called me 'bookworm'" Haruhi says.

"SHE CALLED ME THE ANTAGONIST OF THIS SHOW NO FAIR!" I yell, "I'm not the rich diva!"

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