Chapter Thirty Five- Honey's Family Crisis

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"Excuse me, are you a member of the Host Club?" Chika asks stopping Haruhi and I as we were about to walk into the host club, "Could you ask 3rd year student, Mitsukuni Haninozuka to meet me out here?"

"Who, Honey senpai? You sure?" Haruhi asks.

"Don't do it Haruhi," I warn. She looks at me and cocks her head.

"Why not?" She asks.

"Oh, look! It's Chika-chan!"  Honey exclaims as he and Mori pop their heads out of the music room. "So, what's up? You rarely come over to the high school like this to see me."

"Prepare yourself, Mitsukuni," Chika challenges.

"That's why," I say to Haruhi as Chika dives at Honey and Mori. Honey lands on the ground as Haruhi whimpers in confusion.

"Hey come on! Cut it out, you guys!" Haruhi explains then looks at Mori and I, "Mori senpai! Y/n!" Mori and I both just shrug.

"Hmm?" Mori asks.

"What do you mean 'hmm'?" Haruhi asks.

"Woah! Did you see that?!" Renge exclaims as her rig raises. "Honey senpai dodged Chika's preliminary attack! This is gonna be good!" We watch as they kick and dodge the other.

"What's going on?" Haruhi asks.

"Honey senpai is able to fly through the air with such grace. He's like a modern day Ushiwakamaru! Woah! Chika attacks again without even giving him a chance to regain his balance! Incredible! He dodged his attack and tripped him! Neither of them is gonna give.
They keep flashing out with ferocious techniques," Renge narrates.

"So, they're at it again," Tamaki sighs as the four other boys join Haruhi, Mori, and I in watching.

"I wish they would have chosen a better location to do this," Kyoya sighs as Hikaru walks over and wraps his arms around my waist. Resting his head on my shoulder.

"Wait! Why are you guys so calm?!" Haruhi exclaims.

"Because this is normal," I say, looking over to Hikaru.

"Now things are getting serious! Chika's got a weapon!" Renge exclaims.

"Hey! No way! The use of weapons should be against the rules!" Haruhi exclaims.

"What rules?" I ask her as we watch Honey dodge the stabs at him with the stick. Then Chika smacks him away hard.

"Woah! He knocked him out of the park!" Hikaru exclaims.

"This may be his first win!" Kaoru says in disbelief.

"I gotcha," Chika says as he looks to the fallen Honey. I shake my head as I look at his legs. The hem of his pants stuck to the ground with blades.

"Sorry, but I don't think so. The winner of this fight is Honey senpai," Renge says standing up.

"Renge is right about that," Mori says, "See? He got you."

"How the hell did he do that?" Chika asks as he looks down at his feet. While Honey simply gets up and dusts himself off.

"In the heat of battle, Honey senpai was able to attack with his Shuriken before Chika noticed!" Renge recounts.

"He uses Shuriken?" Haruhi interrupts.

"Yes, now listen," I say to her.

"His attack has left Chika utterly defenseless!
What a great fight! Can't wait for the next one till then! See ya!" Renge says as her rig lowers and she disappears.

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