Chapter Thirteen- Little Brat

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    "You my friend are the love of my life," I mumble as I stare at the absolute beauty. My soulmate. The man who had my heart.

   "Thats a dog," Hikaru says as I pet the small puppy. His leash in my hand as we sat on the floor of the music room.

  "Not just any dog," I tell them, "my therapy dog. His name is Crona and you must respect him."

 "He's kinda small for a therapy dog," Kaoru says. I flip him off then go back to my lovely dog.

 "He's a corgi," I tell them, "I love him. He is the only man I need."

"Only man?" Hikaru asks. "What about m- us? The whole host club?"

"I'm still mad at you and Kaoru," I say giving him a death glare.

"I apologized!" Hikaru yells.

 "You got a dog Y/n~chan?" Honey asks as he bounces into the room with Mori. 

 "Yep," I tell them, "my therapist said that he would help me. Besides I've always wanted a dog." Honey pets Crona as Crona licks his face. 

 "Look at the dog!" Tamaki squeals as he runs over, Kyoya walking behind him. Crona attacks Tamaki with kisses. "Who's is it?"

"Mine," I say, "His name is Crona."

"While hello Crona!" Tamaki says, "aren't you handsome."

"A don't know how a dog in the host club will do," Kyoya says.

"Its her therapy dog," Hikaru informs Kyoya.

"And I love him," I tell them as Tamaki plays with the dog. "I'm supposed to get him used to everything. So he'll most likely only be here today. Depending on how I'm feeling." I take Crona's leash as he backs away from Tamaki. "So whats today's theme?"


    "Welcome to the Ouran host club," We call out as the door opens. Behind the large doors was a little boy in a green school uniform.

 "Oh, it's just a kid," Hikaru says as I hold back Crona. My long robes and silks covering most of my skin. We were doing some sort of Arabian King theme that I found could be seen as highly offensive but they ignored me. Tamaki went all out on this one to, decorated the whole room in fine Arabian things.

 "Not only that, it's just a boy," Kaoru adds.

 "What's wrong, little boy? Did you come to my palace in search of something?" Tamaki asks.

"Are you the king of this place?" The little boy asks.

"Ah," Tamaki says.

"Well are you?" The boy asks.

"Come closer, lost one," Tamaki says. The small boy approaches us slowly. "What was it you just called me, little boy?"

"The king."

"Oh, the king!" Tamaki exclaims, "Yes, I am the king of the Ouran host club. Long live the host king!"

"Well little boy what brings you here?" I ask as I kneel down in front of him.

"I'm an elementary 5th-year, Shiro Takaoji!" He says, "I want the host club king to take me on as an apprentice." We all were taken back. He was so young. So innocent.

 "Shiro darling are you sure?" I ask him. He nods.

"Alright," Tamaki says, "follow me Shiro." 


   "My darling princes," I tell them, "you boys must know how important it is for a young man to be gentlemanly." Various agreeing answers go around them. "So that is why we have taken an apprentice. To prepare him for host life. We can't be here forever."

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