Chapter Six- The Physical Exam

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     "We will begin conducting physical examinations shortly. All students, please proceed to the clinic in your respective school building," A lady says over the PA. The twins, Haruhi, and I making our way to our clinic. I went as far as to even sport the stupid yellow dress today.

 "So, what's the deal with this formation A thing you guys were talking about? What do they do during physical exams here at Ouran, anyway?" Haruhi asks.

 "It's no different than a physical exam you'd get at any other school," Hikaru says.

"Yeah, why would a physical exam be any different for us just because we're rich?" Kaoru says.

"You're right. I didn't think about it that way," Haruhi says.

 "Jeez you have no faith in us," I say.  Haruhi opens the door to the line of doctors.

"Welcome, students," The doctors says.

"W-what is all this?" Haruhi asks.

"All what?" I ask her.

"Its just another physical exam," Hikaru says.

"The usual," Kaoru says.

"The usual?" She asks. Two nurses approach the twins.

"Excuse me, Hitachiin brothers, please follow me this way to have your height measured," One of the nurse say.

"Sure thing," They say.

"Mr. Fujioka, I'm your nurse for the physical exams this afternoon," Another says to Haruhi.

"And Miss Y/n I'm your nurse," One of them says. She leads me to a one of the curtains then to a scales. I step onto it and look away.

"Well you weig-"

"Don't you dare say that number out loud!" I exclaim. He nods and scribbles it down. Then pulls up the thing for my height. Proving I, like we all knew, am really short. Not Haruhi or Honey short but smaller than everyone else in the club.

"Hitachiin brothers, would you please come with me? We're ready to do your chest measurements. You can use the area behind this curtain to undress," The nurse says. Oh dear lord its showing off time.

"Doesn't matter to me," Hikaru says.

"We're not shy. Who needs a curtain?" Kaoru says as they toss off their shirts. Revealing their pale torsos while girls scream.

"See, Haruhi. A rather impressive turnout today," Kyoya says, "Physical exam day is quite popular with the ladies."

"Extremely popular," I correct, "but only with our female clients. Giving me the day off."

"I won't allow it. It's just not fair. I won't let those doctors touch you, Kaoru," Hikaru says holding his twin close to him.

"What are you talking about? You don't seem to have a problem touching me when we play doctor at home. I can't get you to stop tickling me and toying with my body," Kaoru says.

"I've been with this club for a while and I still don't get the twincest," I admit to them as the girls around us squeal.

"Come on, Haru-chan, this way," Honey says leading Haruhi away. 

"Mr. Fujioka, are you ready to be measured now?" The nurse asks. Tamaki steps out from behind the curtain with a bad brown wig. 

"Yes," Tamaki says, "I'm Haruhi Fujioka." I look at him and lose it. Rolling of laughter as the girls look unimpressed. The twins join me in laughing loudly.

"I can't believe he actually did it," Hikaru laughs.

"They recognized him. I told you they'd see through it," Kaoru says.

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