Chapter Twenty three- Nekozawa Sees The Light

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  "Once she stepped foot into this room, Kirimi-chan became a guest of the host club. And it's our job to make all our guests happy," Tamaki says, "It's an absolute tragedy to see a brother and sister at odds this way. We have to do something to help them! Starting now, 'Operation, change Nekozawa senpai into the princely character of Kirimi-chan's dreams' is underway!"

"Are you serious?" The twins ask.

"Of course," I say to them, "we have to at least try."

"But, sir..." The butler says to Tamaki.

"You want to change Umehito from a prince of darkness to a prince of light. I don't know if that's even possible," The maid says.

"Senpai! Quit getting carried away by your emotions! Don't make promises you can't keep," Haruhi yells, "and stop egging it on Y/n!"

"'Oh ye of little faith' Have you forgotten that we have an expert on our side? Someone who knows the importance of changing characters," Tamaki says boastfully.

"You don't think..." Hikaru says.

"he's talking about..." Kaoru says.

"God dammit," I whine as we hear Renge's loud rig and he laugh.

"Yeah, sure enough," The twins say.

"Ugh," We groan.


 We go into the science room and darken it as much as we can. While Nekozawa takes off his stupid cloak and wig. "Your golden locks glow in the candlelight. Your skin like ivory. Your smile, mysterious as a flower illuminated by the moonlight. Such beauty, it's as if..." Nekozawa says as we watch him closely, "you're a cursed wax doll! Shrouded in darkness and filled with malevolence!"

"No way! You've got it all wrong! Numbskull! Who told you to say something like that!? How many times do I have to tell you!? You're not allowed to use any occult terms!" Renge yells as she hits him.

"I'm really sorry," Nekozawa mumbles, "But, my vocabulary is a bit limited without those words."

"You're not allowed to talk back to me either. You got it?" She screams. "A princely character would never try to come up with a sissy excuse like that! Remember, it's okay to have a dark side. Some girls like that. Cute fruity male characters always go over well with young girls. However, referencing anything related to the occult is out of the question!"

"This is gonna take forever," I sigh slumped over in the corner with the hosts.

"Mori senpai, go ahead and add that to the board," Renge yells.

"'Wax... doll...'" He says quietly.

"Looks like Renge is really on top of things," Kyoya says.

"Yeah, she's on a roll," Honey says.

"But I'm not sure the lines she's feeding him are appropriate to use on a sister," Hikaru says.

"They aren't at all," I tell him, "like not even a little okay."

"You're just going to sit and watch, boss?" Kaoru asks.

"Yeah you are our prince character," I say.

"Of course. I don't wanna end up with a curse on me. Besides Renge seems to have it covered," Tamaki says.

"Okay, it seems that you've memorized most of your new character lines. I think it's about time we moved on. Are you ready, senpai?" Renge asks.

"Oh, please no! It's too soon!! I can't handle it yet!" Nekozawa whimpers in fear as Renge clutches the flash light.

"Evil beam!!" She screams flashing it on him, "Don't let a simple flashlight get the best of you! Work up your nerve! It's not physically affecting you. So that means it must be psychological! Even Edgar was able to face the cross once he built up his courage." He perks up hearing the reference.

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