Chapter Twenty Five- Mori's Inner Challenge.

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   "Oh hey!" I hear someone yell as Hikaru and I through the halls. Once again Kaoru had ditched us. I turn to see Kaito.

  "This loser," Hikaru groans. Kaito catches up and stops in front of us. Pushing his long black hair from his face to reveal his large green eyes.

"Hello Kaito Senpai," I say to him as he smiles.

"I never got to ask my question," He states. I nod him and he nerviously fidgets. "Well I-"

"We have to get going," Hikaru says harshly, "host meeting."

"Oh yes well of course," Kaito says, "I'll catch you later."

"Yeah," I tell him. I smack Hikaru's arm and groan.

"What?" He asks harshly.

"Stop being a dick," I say to him. He rolls his eyes.

"Aren't we enough for you?" He asks angrily. I hear Mori snapping my attention. I lead him over behind a pole were Kaoru and Haruhi were hiding.

"Mitsukuni, bag," Mori demands.

"I can carry it," Honey says holding it back.

"Yes, you can. Hand it over," Mori says taking it from him. He dumps it to reveal a bag full of sugary treats.

"I was just looking. I wasn't gonna eat them," Honey whimpers.

"Really? If you were just looking, then try this," Mori says handing him a menu, "I'll keep the real stuff." Honey starts to cry again.

"Oh man, that was rough," The twins say watching the scene we turn and head in the other direction.

"I can't help but feel sorry for him," Haruhi says.

"You know, I had no idea that Mori senpai could be so brutal," Hikaru says.

"He's only doing it because he cares," I tell them, "its killing him can't you see?"

"Still you wouldn't expect it, I thought his principles kept him from doing anything to upset Honey senpai," Kaoru says.

"And to think that he could get his boss to go along with him," Hikaru says.


   "Oh my my prince that isn't a sweet is it?" I ask him as I catch the golden wrapper. He slides in his back and sighs.

  "I'm sorry I just wanted to give you this chocolate rose and I know you've sworn off sweets because of Honey but I-"

"Darling its quite alright," I tell him, "and while I can't take it I appreciate the thought... I hope you'll enjoy it for me." Truth time. I was pmsing hard core and I really wanted that fucking chocolate rose.

"Oh the friendship you guys have is absolutely beautiful," The client says.

"We've grown attachted," I admit, "like one big family." As he leaves I get up and grumpy walk towards the twins and Tamaki.

"You love chocolate roses," Hikaru says, "how did you turn that down?"

"I really really wanted it," I whine, "I'm cramping and I want chocolate and I wanna go home."

"Jeez," He says patting my back.

"Missing sweets, aren't you?" Kaoru asks Tamaki and I.

"Buzz off. The club's number one priority is our guests. All the matter is their happiness," Tamaki says.

"But my uterus is going to kill me," I groan as I slump to the ground, "and I can't even eat my comfort food."

"You had better watch yourselves out there," Kyoya warns, "Don't give any sweets to Honey senpai, no matter what tricks he resorts to. Oh, and incidentally, those instructions come from Mori senpai. This isn't my doing."

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