Chapter Sixteen- Honey did what?!

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   "Honey-Senpai!" Haruhi and I yell as the wave takes Honey under rushing him away.

  "Mitsukuni!" Mori yells. Mori starts to run after but slips on a banana peel.

   "Mori senpai?" Haruhi asks.

  "Lady and Gentlemen, we're going after Honey senpai!" Tamaki announces, "That pool looks like the quickest way! Charge!"

"Wait! I wouldn't go..." Kyoya starts as we rush in only to see alligators guarding the others making us run the other way.

"There are alligators in there!" We yell.

"Okay, so we can't choose that pool! Then let's try this way next!" Tamaki says.

"They're here, too!" The twins scream.

"And here!" Haruhi screams, "What's with all the alligators?"

"Beats me," Tamaki pants.

"Those alligators belong to the park's tropical animals exhibit. I guess it is kind of dangerous to let them run wild," Kyoya says.

"You guess?!" I scream looking around at the reptiles around me.

"Though, the cause of our present situation seems to be the location of the switch for the current pool. I'll have to have a little chat with our designers. Thanks a lot, you guys. I got some great data today," Kyoya says.

"You what!?" We ask. He leads us to the map and starts to explain.

"This is a map of the Tropical Aqua Garden. This is our current location. We need to get here.
I have a feeling that's where Honey senpai probably ended up. It might be tough because to get there, we'll have to make it through this jungle area, here in the southern block. Distance wise we're talking about 800 meters," Kyoya says.

"Looks like there are a lot of undeveloped areas. Any idea what might be lurking in those parts of the jungle?" Haruhi asks.

"Since they're still being developed, I'm afraid I don't know," Kyoya says.

"Whatever's out there could be even more dangerous..." Hikaru says.

"...than alligators," Kaoru finishes.

"All right! Now, this is a mission of survival! I know we can make it through the treacherous jungle in one piece. It is our sworn duty to save Honey senpai!" Tamaki says.

"We're gonna die," I sigh.


 As we march through the jungle I clutch Hikaru's hand in fear. What else could be out here? I mean alliagators! Roaming free! I mean damn the Ootori family"Wow, this place is just like a real jungle, huh?" Tamaki says.

"Yeah, and I keep hearing all these really strange animal calls," Haruhi says.

"You don't think that all those animal sounds..." Hikaru starts.

"...could belong to the real thing, do you?" Kaoru says.

"To be honest, I'm not sure," Kyoya says, "But I do know that my family always strives for authenticity whatever the cost." 

"That scares me," I admit, "that really scares me." 

"Its fine," Kaoru says, "Hikaru will protect you. Right Hikaru?"

"Oh yeah sure of course," Hikaru mumbles not really paying attention. I roll my eyes as I hear someone gasp then hit the ground. I turn around expecting to see Tamaki on the ground. But seeing Mori.

"Mori senpai is..."

"...acting as clumsy as you do, boss."

"Shut up!" Tamaki yells.

"You okay Mori-Senpai?" I ask as I attempt to help him up. The size difference really keeping me of being of any use. Mori nods. A rumble through the sky causes me to jump slightly making Hikaru flinch.

"Uh oh, it's about time for the squall," Kyoya says. We walk to a small shelter as it starts to poor. 

"Hey Mori senpai, you seem to be really close to Honey senpai. Are the two of you like childhood friends?" Haruhi asks.

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