Chapter Seven- Kyoya's Fiance?

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   "Hikaru I can walk to the club by myself," I tell him, "you don't have to abandon your brother." He looks down at me and rubs his shoulder.

  "Actually he abandoned me," Hikaru admits, "besides we don't get many chances to hang out." I nod and adjusts my bag. 

 "Well I mean," I tell him, "we do spend like majority of the day together. With the club and class."

"Yeah but thats by default and you're always off on your own. I mean like us hanging out together," He corrects. 

"Oh," I say, "yeah that makes sense." I look at him his cheeks matching my pink ones. We chat about everything going around us, Haruhi, the club, everything. Until we get to the music room. Meet Kaoru outside of it.

 "Hey! You ditched me!" Hikaru yells at his twin. Kaoru just shrugs.

"I waited for you in the end," He says causing me to chuckle. We walk inside together and autoamaticlly we are thrown bags. I miss mine and it smacks me in the face.

 "Tamaki!" I yell at him. The blond freezes in fear. "What have I said about throwing things at me!"

"Don't," He mumbles. I roll my eyes and pull out the newest costume.

"Kimonos?" I ask him.

"Our mother made them," Hikaru says, "special for all of us." Mine was a soft blue. I move to the changing rooms and enter the last one. I had claimed it as mine a while back. I slowly remove the bulky yellow dress and replace it with the light kimono. It was cute, covered in soft purple flowers. I rejoin the boys while Tamaki rants about our duty to the twins.

"Oi Tamaki-Senpai," I tell him, "leave the boys alone."

"Yeah leave the boys alone," The twins say as they move behind me.

"Oh and boys tell your mother I love this kimono," I tell them, "I might purchase one for myself."

"You should," Kaoru says, "it brings out your eyes." I look at him in confusion only to notice his steaming twin and get whats going on.

"I know," I say, "isn't it lovely?" Kaoru once again nudges his twin.

"Oh yeah yeah it looks okay," Hikaru says. Hitting my spirit like a train. I hear soft laughing and see it coming from Kyoya, and Honey.

"Its time Lady and gentleman!" Tamaki yells.

"You included me!" I say proudly. He chuckles and bows slightly.

"I am your king, I must please my kingdom," He says. I nod chuckling as I rearrange my hair, "now lets get ready!"


  Today I had the piano since we were playing tears. My clients leaning against the pearly white piano as my fingers move along the keys filling the music room with soft pretty music. Tamaki had given to me when he had gotten the idea for today's theme. Knowing it would help with a ambiance. 

  "Y/n you're crying," One of the guys points out. I look up from the keys and wipe my eyes. 

 "Oh I guess I am," I say chucking as I sniffle, "sorry this piece is just so pretty and charming.... Much like you my prince." The guys blush and stutter while Haruhi looks at my table in confusion. I resume the piece quickly moving through it with ease.

"How did you learn how to play piano Y/n?" Another guy asks.

"My father taught me when I was a little girl, he was always busy with his company so to be able to spend time with me he would block off some time for piano lessons everyday," I tell them, "it was my favorite time growing up. He still loves to watch me play." Soft awes fill my crowd as I fix my kimono. I check the time and sigh. "I'm going to grab us some more coffee," I tell them. They nod and watch me as I cross the room. Haruhi bumps into Hikaru as I reach them. His eye drops fall to the ground. 

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