Chapter Thirty Six- Honey the Alien

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"All right, ten minute break!" We hear Chika says as we watch from the window.

"Sir!" They say. As Chika backs away from them.

"You know, Captain Haninozuka sure is a strict captain. No matter how hard we try, it's like he's never satisfied. I really don't think I can take it," One Of the club members say.

"Tell me about it," Another says.

"He's a tough captain. But he's no one near as skilled at martial arts as his older brother, Mitsukuni," A third says.

"You will not talk about my brother in my presence, do you understand?" Chika snaps.

"Look, it's Chika! He's so adorable!" Someone squeals.

"Oh wow, he's so totally cute!"

"Yeah, Chika is not bad, but he's no match for his older brother, Honey! He's the cutest thing we've ever seen!"  Chika angrily marches to the door and slams it shut.

"What are you idiots looking at?!" He yells at his club, "Get started with the next drill!"

"But we're still on our break, sir," one protests.

"You've barely broken a sweat! You bums don't need a break! Start working harder before you're all out!" He screams.


"Well, so far it looks like a simple inferiority complex," Hikaru says.

"He's always being compared to Honey senpai so that's why he feels such animosity towards him," Kaoru says, "His older brother is more attractive, more popular, and a better martial artist than he is. I think he's just letting his jealousy get the best of him."

"It's totally normal and way boring. We're gonna go find something more entertaining!" They say dragging me with them.

"Hold on. Come back here you three!" Tamaki yells, "Why are you suddenly being so uncooperative?"

"Well, we thought there'd be an interesting secret reason they're fighting. This is just lame," They say.

"Every other person has the same sibling issues," I say, "I had the same issues."

"So, Honey senpai and Chika's feelings aren't exciting enough?!" Tamaki yells.

"It's okay, Tama-chan, really," Honey says weakly.

"But, Honey senpai..." Tamaki says weakly.

"It's alright. Don't worry about me. So what if Chika-Chan hates me? I would be happy just seeing him grow up to be strong and healthy.
He is my brother after all," Honey says.

"Awe that's cute," I say looking to the twins.

"Umm, he's already a lot taller than you, Honey senpai," Kaoru says.

"Yeah, he's pretty grown up and plenty healthy," Hilary says. I smack his chest slightly.

"Come On think about if you guys hated each other suddenly. You'd expect us to help," I say to them.

"Excuse me, could you guys please keep it down?" We hear Chika's bored harsh voice. We freeze then look to him. "What are you doing here? I thought I had told you to stay away from me at school, Mitsukuni!" Chika kicks through us at Honey who dodges. "You alien, would you just leave me alone?"

"But, Chika-chan..." Honey says weakly.

"What's he mean alien?" The twins ask.

"Why are you being such an ass?" I ask harshly,.

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