Chapter Forty Four - This is Our Ouran Fair

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"I don't know what to do anymore sis," I say softly as my hand trials across her painting.

  "Do what you always do," my father says as he places his hand on my shoulder, "do what's right." I turn around and hug him tightly. He pats my pat slightly.

  "Whatever it is," He says, "I'm sure you've got this."


   The sound of my soft playing fills the room. I attempt to put all of this garbage with Tamaki and Éclair behind me. The other host crowd around the piano with me as I hit another sour key.

   "God dammit!" I hiss pulling back. I cover my face with my hands, "He couldn't have waited or warned us? It's in my head. I can't focus." Hikaru traces along my back comfortingly.

  "I wonder what happened to Tama-chan?" Honey asks.

  "I'm getting worried," Hikaru says, "something up with him after what he said yesterday."

  "He would never do that to us," I say slightly, "this isn't like him. It isn't like him at all."

  "All right gentlemen, Y/n," Kyoya says as he joins us, "no more idle chatter. Our guest are waiting for us."

"Senpai, it's like you don't even care," Kaoru says seeming rather offended at Kyoya's coldness.

"It's our job to take care of our guest to the best of our abilities," Kyoya says as he pushes up His glasses, "remember, they're looking to all of us to entertain them. Their happiness is the upmost importance." The twins groan loudly.

"He's right Kao- Chan," Honey says as he drags Kaoru away.

"Honey Senpai, What are you doing?!" Kaoru exclaims.

"Come on," Mori says dragging Hikaru away.

"Let go Mori Senpai!" Hikaru groans. Kyoya looks to me and I sigh.

"I'll never do this better than him," I say to Kyoya as I play a couple notes.

"Maybe piano isn't the best idea right now," Kyoya says, "maybe another instrument is a good idea." I nod standing up and grabbing the case beside the piano. As I was walking out the door this morning my father handed it to me.

"Maybe you should take her violin," he says, "she always loved to hear you play it."

I uncase The beautiful hand made violin. The beautiful dark wood bow and actual instrument was stunning. While I mastered plenty of instruments my sister just couldn't pick any up.  She tried and tried to learn violin with me. But I excelled and she stayed back. In an attempt to cheer her up I stopped playing and pretended to be exceptionally bad so she would feel as if she was better than me at it. Finally some musical thing she excelled at that I didn't. Of course she saw through it and would demand to hear me play saying to was one of the most beautiful things she heard.

I pick up the violin and start playing one of the many pieces I had with me. As I start suddenly the rush of cheer and confidence fills me. My customers gather around me smiling happily as they see my efforts pour into the music. Mothers and fathers alike watching me in awe of the talent I posses. As the song ends they smile at me happily clapping in respect.

"Thanks," I say bowing slightly, "it's a wonder performing for everyone. I do hope to see all of you next year." I take the hands of one of the mothers. "You parents have all blessed me with the opportunity to be around your wonderful children. They all are amazing, you should be proud."

"Why thank you," one of the mothers say.

"You are so polite."

"A wonderful girl you are."

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