Chapter Thirty Seven- The Lobelia Girls Strike Again

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"Thanks for letting me stay over," I say to Haruhi as Ranka opens the door for us, "it was fun."

"Anytime," Haruhi says says, "as long as it's not everyone surprising me it's fine."

"I get it trust me," I say to her as we walk outside, "they do that to me sometimes were they just show up and make me have to leave my bed."

"It's just the worst," She sighs.

"Well bye Ranka I'll see you around!" I call out to her dad.

"Goodbye ladies!" Ranka yells back. As Haruhi and I get to the bottom of the steps the two Lobilia girls grab ahold of both of us.

"Targets," One says.

"Captured," the other says. A limo pulls up and that Beni chick rolls down the window to show herself.

"Good bring them in," She says ominously. I start to struggle in protest.

"Hey wait a second!" Haruhi screams struggling in the same manner.

"Get off me!" I scream as they shove us in the limo. Once everyone drives off I look at our capturers. "This is kidnapping- we did not consent."

"Quiet," Benibara says as her and the other Zuka club girls look at us then whisper amongst themselves.

"You did not just tell me to be quiet," I say to them, then I'm a skilled fighter. You really want me to hurt you?"  None of them say anything to us. They seemed to be ignoring us while whispering to each other. Staring at Haruhi everyone once in a while. I start to get more pissed off. Within seconds we got to Lobelia and they pulled us from the car and handed us off to other people who took us back to a room and pushed us inside.

"Here change into these," Another girl in a Lobelia uniform says as she hands both of  us Lobelia uniforms.

"Why?" I ask as I hold mine up.

"I was just told to give them to you," She says with a shrug. "please put them on." I sigh and look to Haruhi as the girl leaves.

"Man I'm gonna miss hanging out with Hikaru to be stuck here with these crazies," I sigh thinking to Hikaru. We were supposed to have my whole house alone. "should we humor them and put them on?"

"Might as well," she says with a shrug. "They'll just force us in them later." We walk into the changing rooms. As I peel off my jeans and tee and replace it with the nice soft uniform I realize how much better their uniforms are.

"These are so soft," I say to Haruhi as I tie the bow on mine, "so much better than those ugly yellow disasters."

"I know," she says, "with how much Ouran gets they couldn't splurge on better looking uniforms?"

"Exactly," I exclaim as I hear the door open.

"Chizuru, where is our guests?" I hear Benibara ask. Must of been the three of them walking in then.

"In the changing rooms, of course," Suzuran says.

"How are those sizes?" Hinagiku asks as she pulls open the curtains on the rooms revealing us in the uniforms to them.

"You're gorgeous, maidens.  I mean, Haruhi and Y/n," Benibara says as she stares hungrily at our forms. I shift uncomfortably under her gaze. I've had random old men stare at me in ways like this but hers was so evil it made my skin crawl. As Haruhi and I step from the rooms reluctantly they attack us. Hugging us while smothering is with compliments.

"You two look absolutely beautiful!"

"You look like a princesses ripped from the pages of a fairy tale!"

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