Chapter Twenty Six- Wonderland

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      I stand among the other girls sitting in the lush garden. The awkward green skirts with the variously colored tops. My attention is pulled from the discussion to a small female slowly approaching. "Well well well look who we have here," I mumble, "you're not a flower..."

  "W-what?" She asks as she looks around at us, "a flower?"

  "Yes darling a flower," I say caress her cheek, "well as flower as we can get with this budget..."

   "Excuse me?" She asks. I back away and smile.

   "Nothing doll," I tell her, "would you like to hear a song?"

   "I'm just trying to find-"

  "What dear?" I ask her, "you're trying to find what?" She looks around and sighs. 

  "A rabbit," She says, "pink, small, walks by itself."

  "A pink rabbit?" I ask here, "are you sure?" 

  "Or a monkey boy thing-" 

   "'A monkey boy thing?'" I ask her. She sighs again, "are you alright?"

  "I-I'm fine," She says, "have you seen anyone run through here?"

  "No sorry," I tell her, "have you seen any cats? Gingers perhaps? Always smirking?" 

  "You ought to just tell him how you feel," She says. I raise a brow.

  "What?" I ask her, "how would you know how I feel.... whatever." The flower girls among me chattering along about everything. "You better head out before these girls figure out you're not a flower.... they'll think you're a weed."

 "What?" She asks her eyes looking around at the girls around us. "Look I don't care how they see me... Flower or weed... You of all people should know that."

"How peculiar," I mumble to myself and point to a door, "they went that way." She nods and looks at me one last time.

"Being a flower doesn't suit you," She says, "if you want to dress like a weed do it." She walks off leaving me with the other flowers.  In shock. How did she-

  "She was weird," I hear. I smirk as I turn to see half of the purple duo. 

  "Hikaru," I say, "shouldn't you be with you're brother?"

 "I don't care for the duchess," He shrugs, "besides she only needs one of us at a time."

 "Still its apart of the job," I inform him. He rolls his eyes and smirks.

"Forget the job," He says, "leave this room of lies and join Kaoru and I."

"To what Harass that girl?" I ask him, "I'd rather not."

"Suit yourself," He mumbles as he slithers off. Leaving me with the garden full off the flowers. Adjusting the skirt. As the gawking over the Hatter and March Hare begin I start to rethink my choice. I look to the door I sent the girl through and decide it was better than staying in this garden. I pull of the skirt to show the green pants with a blue top. Still daunting my flower facade as I walk through the room to reach the columns by the pool. Both of the twins standing side by side watching the disappearing figure of the girl as she leaves them.

"She knew there were two of you didn't she?" I ask them. They look back at me and nod. "I knew she was special." I fall in between them as we walk through the large hallways. 

"Maybe we can steal some tea from boss," Kaoru suggests. I nod heading down the familiar paths.

"Of course," I tell him, "but we must attend court remember."

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