Chapter Eight- Renge's In Charge.

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"Otaku!" Tamaki yells in panic.

"Otaku?" Hikaru asks.

"She definitely is one," I tell them.

"I've never seen one!" Kaoru asks as Renege skips around.

"I get it now," Kyoya says I sit beside him and stare at the caous, "You're in love with that character. You're projecting the love onto me, and you somehow deluded yourself into thinking that we're engaged. I assume this Miyabi character probably wears glasses as well."

"So, she made it up. You're not really her fiance, right?" Tamaki asks.

"Well no, I don't remember ever asking for her hand in marriage. Besides this is the first time I've ever met the woman," Kyoya says.

"You couldn't have mentioned that earlier?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"According to my research, I understand that you are in charge managing the club. Is that true, Kyoya?" Renege asks.

"That's right," Honey says, "Kyo-chan is our director."

"You're the club's director? That's perfect. Oh wow, I've always wanted to wear a sandwich board to advertise a business," Renege squeals once again.

"Oh no no no no no no," I say.

"We don't advertise. We're just a host club," The twins say.

"I've made up my mind. From now on, I'm gonna be the manager of this host club," Renege says.

"Tamaki-senpai do something!" I whisper yell, "Kyoya-senpai please?"

"Um, listen, Kyoya," Tamaki says.

"Miss Hoshokuji is the only daughter of a very important Otori family client. So, please be polite and try not to offend her, all right?" Kyoya says. We sigh.

"Well, boys, I can't wait to work with you," Renege says.


   "Are you boys going straight home?" I ask the twins.

 "We don't have to," Hiakru says, "Why?"

 "Well I wanted to go get some ice cream and I was wondering if you guys wanted to come with," I say, "So?"

  "Of course," Kaoru says, "we will come." His twins silent protest go ignored as he is lead to the car.  "The one down the street alright?" 

 "Yeah," I say, "I'll meet you there." As we get into out respective cars we set off meeting at this fancy ice cream place I just loved. I walk up first and look across the board. "Vanalla please," I tell them. They scoop it and hand me the cone and I give them the money. The twins order then we take a corner to enjoy our ice cream.  "What did you get Hikaru?"

"A double chocolate," He says, "wanna try." I nod and he leans it towards me and I lick the top. Causing him to go red.

 "Its really good," I mumble. He leans towards me and wipes of the corner of my mouth.

 "Seems so you're wearing it," Hikaru teases. 

"Hush," I say to him as I giggle. He smirks at me then wipes of my chin. 

"You missed some," He says quickly. I smile at him while his twin laughs at us.

"You two are nerds," Kaoru says. I shrug and laugh. The rest of the time was spent talking about anything and everything. They both were the closet people I had.


"I thought about it a lot last night, and maybe having a lady manager isn't such a bad idea," Tamaki says as we all sit together.  Kyoya and Tamaki on one couch, Me in between the twins on the other, Mori and Honey in chairs on one side, and Haruhi on the other.

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