Chapter Thirty One- Jealousy

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"Speaking of trouble I heard you ran into Aki?" Kaoru asks. I nod.

"Aki yeah I ran into him while walking to my cabin alone last night, he was polite and gentlemanly, said a girl as lovely as me shouldn't be walking alone," I retell the story to them, "then he asked me if I wanted to go on a date."

 "A date?" Hikaru asks looking over at me so fast I thought his neck would snap. "What did you say? No right?"

 "I said not a date but we could hang out," I say, "besides Aki is a sweetheart. It be nice to have a friend like him."

"You don't need any more friends!" Hikaru snaps. He jumps to his feet and looks at his twin for support. "Are we not enough for you?!"


"Shut up!" He screams, "whats with this stupid Aki guy. I thought you liked me."

"I do! Can I not have guy friends... I mean I'm in the host club. Filled with guys, are you jealous of them too?" I ask him. He shrugs.

"They know!" He yells back.

"What?" I ask him, "what do they know?"

"That you're mine, ours, not theirs," He says.

"I'm nobodies! I am my own person not you're property," I snap.

"I forbid you to go!" He says.

"You forbid me?" I ask him. By this point the whole dinning area was watching us, and the other hosts were panicking. Another huge fight between the members. 

"Hikaru I think you should take it back," Kaoru says.

"No I forbid her from going to see Aki!" He repeats. Silence washes over the room before I start to chuckle.

"You're not my father Hikaru," I say to him, "you can't forbid me from doing anything. I am my own person you jerk. If I want to see Aki I'm going to go see Aki. If  you had such a problem with it you should of walked me home. Instead of doing that whole competition to get Haruhi's attention. You like me you like her. What is it?"

"Whatever," He huffs, "if you go we are done. Not friends or anything."

"Over me hanging out with a friend?"

"Us or him?!" Hikaru yells.

"You're ridiculous!" I scream.

"Y/n, Hikaru can you take this outside?" Haruhi asks in desperation.

"No need, Hikaru I'm not choosing. But I'm going to see him tonight. As friends. And if you don't like it that sucks. Because I'm going with or without your permission," I hiss. He rolls his eyes and looks to his twin. 

"Lets go Kaoru," Hikaru huffs. With out any protest he and his twin stomp off to their room. Leaving me thoroughly heated with everyone else.

"I'm sorry is this a bad time Haruhi?" Arai says. I move behind Haruhi and lay my head on her shoulder. 

"No no," She says, "I haven't seen you since graduation." She leads him to a table and they sit. Leaving Me with Tamaki senpai and the others at a separate table. Although Tamaki was in his emo corner of despair and sadness.

"Yeah. You cut all your hair off," Arai says. Arai was a tall guy, dark brown hair. Very attractive. "That's such a shame."

"I don't think so. I mean, since I cut it, it has been easier to manage," Haruhi says 

"So, how's Ouran treating you? Do you keep in touch with anyone from middle school any more?" Arai asks.

"Yeah, a little. Kazumi still calls me. What about you?"

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