Chapter Thirty Two - Operation First Date

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         I adjust the soft fabric of the dress as I look around. Stupid Kaoru was late. Late. By like thirty minutes. "Sorry to keep you waiting." I turn at the sound of the voice and I',m met with Hikaru.

"Hold on a second," I ask him, "Where's Kaoru?"

"Well, uh... He's not feeling well so he told me to take you out instead... I never thought I'd be taking over Kaoru's date with you."

 "Yeah," I chuckle, "I'm still mad at you."

"What were you thinking, Kaoru?" He whispers to himself.a

"What should we do? Wanna go home?" I ask him.

"No, I told him I'd hang out with you today, so we might as well. But what's up with that outfit?" He asks. I look down at the form fitting blue dress. It was nice.

"I know its not really me but you're maids gave it to me," I tell him, "is it weird?"

"Kind of. But you look nice," He tells me. I smile and look around. 

"Anything specific you wanna do?" I ask him. He shrugs.

"Not a clue," He says. I look around.

"Well then we can just walk," I tell him. I take his hand as we walk through the market streets.

"So, where do you wanna go, Y/n?" Hikaru asks.

"Well, Kaoru said he'd plan everything, so I didn't really give it much thought. Any ideas?" I ask him.

"Well, there's not anything that I need to do here," Hikaru says, "I know, why don't we go to that outlet mall by the train station? They've got cheap clothes there."

"Do you need clothes?" I ask him.

"No, there's no way I'd buy my clothes at that place," He says.

"Me either.... let's skip it," I say to him. I look around and catch a couple stores that seem interesting. "Come on." I grab his hand and pull him up.

"Ice cream does anyone want ice cream!" A guy yells as he walks past.

"That was creepy. That old guy kinda looked like Honey senpai," Hikaru says. I pull him over to one of the stores.

"One ice cream, please,"  I tell the cashier. He hands over a cone and I look to Hikaru. "Haruhi told me about this place."

"Really?" He asks.

"Apparently this place is famous for their ice cream. Here, I'll let you have the first taste," I say as I hold it towards him.

"If it sucks, then we're playing a penalty game," Hikaru says.

"Naturally," I tell him. He leans forward and licks the top swirl of the ice cream. He smiles slightly as I lick it after him. His face going pink. We walk down as we pass the cone back and forth until we finish it. Then we reach another store and order some pickled yams. "Here try this with me."

"Picked food is lame who would want to eat that crap," He huffs. 

"Just try," I say as I hold it up to him. He takes a bit and nods.

"It's not that bad," He groans.

"I'll take two bags of these," I order.

"What? why? You're not supposed to buy souvenirs until the last day of your trip," He says to me, "you're not leaving yet right?"

"No I'm getting them for Kaoru," I tell him.

"I don't understand. How can you tell that I'm upset about Kaoru?" He asks. I look at him and chuckle. 

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