Chapter Forty Two - Bossanova Has A Crush

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"M-my bad," Kasanoda says as we finally reach the room. I see the twins and Tamaki fuming with anger before me.

"Peeping tom!" They scream at him attacking him on-sight.

"You saw," Hikaru says.

"Didn't you bossanova," Kaoru says harshly.

"No! I didn't see!" He exclaims, "I mean I caught a glance but it was all so fast. It was just an accident I swear I'm not a pervert." Dropping all annoyances I keep my harsh glare focused on Kasanoda. He couldn't let Haruhi's secret out.

"Of course you would say that," Honey says harshly also maintaining a protective stance, "Sure sign of a guilty conscious." Kasanoda yells slightly in fear as we all look on harshly. Seconds away from the kill.

"So then Fujioka's a girl?" He asks.

"Red alert! He's on to Haruhi's secret," Hikaru says.

"That's not good," Kaoru says. I step forward.

"Especially for his gang if he decides to tell," I say crossing my arms, "The Rose Syndicate hasn't had any issues in a while. So let's not make this one."

"So let's hear it," Hikaru says, "How much her maidenly Terra incognita did you actually see?"

"Well She was changing, so I saw her underwear," Kasanoda says and the twins explode.

"You saw Haruhi's underwear!" They scream loudly.

"So what do we do?!" Hikaru screams.

"There is only one thing left to do," Kaoru says, "we have to induce amnesia. Hold him." Hikaru moves to grab the boy.

"That's enough you two," Kyoya says, "leave assault and battery to the professionals."

"What are you made of ice? How can you be so calm about this?" Kaoru asks.

"Look! The boss is so deep in shock he's regressing!" Hikaru says pointing to the shell shocked boss. His slight whimpers proving he's still alive.

"Kyoya and I have actual pawns to play in this move. So let us handle it," I say to the twins as Kyoya and I step forward.

"Well, now that it appears the proverbial cat is out of the bag. Let's talk," Kyoya says pushing up his glasses. Sending shivers down Kasanoda's spin. "Haruhi is compelled to hide the fact she is a girl due to certain migrating circumstances. While we can't physically force you to cooperate exactly there is something I would like for you to bear in mind coming from a sort of family you do, I'm certain you hear all sorts of juicy little rumours, enough to know what is true and what is not. Take the Otori family's private police force, the black onion squad. It is said that they can be mobilised against our enemies in the blink of an eye. You have heard of them right?"

"And Besides Rose Syndicate outnumbers yours 3:2 meaning that with the combined efforts would could ruin you over night," I say as he looks on fearfully.

"Come on guys stop scaring Kasanoda," Haruhi says as she leaves the changing room, "sorry about all this."

"Hey Fujioka," Kasanoda says.

"Look it's alright it doesn't really matter to me you can tell whoever you want to," Haruhi says.

"Well well Bossanova," Hikaru mocks.

"Since you know she's a girl are you in love?" Kaoru mocks along with his twin. Tamaki screams loudly.

"That's enough boys," I say to them, "we have class."

"Fine," Hikaru says turning back. I lace my fingers in with his and we leave the room. Why does he care so much?


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