Chapter Eighteen- Her Fears

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   We watch as Tamaki carries  Haruhi to shore. All of our hearts beating quickly. "Haru-chan!" Honey yells.

"Boss!" The twins yell. I look at Tamaki and Haruhi and sigh.

"I'm so so sorry Tamaki I should of got you guys I'm sorry-"

"Where'd they go?" Tamaki asks cutting me off.

"We took their ID cards and respectfully asked them to leave. The girls all went back to the hotel and I called a doctor. He should be arriving here any minute now," Kyoya says.

"Thank you," Tamaki says as he puts Haruhi down.

"I'm fine, you guys. I don't need a doctor," Haruhi says.

"What were you two thinking?!" Tamaki yells at us, "You know, you're not like Honey senpai. You're not a martial arts master. Why did you confront them? What made you two  think you would stand a chance? You against two boys?" 

"I'm sorry to all of you, I'm sorry," I whimper, "I really am-"

"But it doesn't matter that they're boys and we're girl. We were there. We had to do something. There wasn't any time to think..." Haruhi explains.

"That's no excuse, you idiot. Don't forget, you two are girls!" Tamaki says.

"Look, I'm sorry you had to come and save me, senpai. But I don't understand why you're so mad at me right now. I don't think I did anything wrong," Haruhi says.

"You don't think so?" Tamaki asks, "Fine, whatever you say. But I'm not speaking to you until you can admit that you were wrong!"

"Haruhi we couldn't do anything and we both could of gotten hurt-"

"You're just going to let them discredit us because we're girls?!" She yells.


"No I'm right!" She yells marching off. 

"At least I held them off!" I scream at her, "you couldn't do anything! You're the problem here!" 

"Y/n-" Tamaki says.

"No Tamaki Senpai I'm not gonna let her make me feel bad for understanding why you guys were upset!" I scream, "Its not fair to anyone!"

"Lets get you inside," Hikaru mumbles. I nod while he leads me to the villa. I get to my room and wave him off as I switch from my bathing suit to some comfortable dining clothes. 


  I reach the dining room as Honey leaves the kitchen baring dishes. "Ta-da. Here you go. Don't they look yummy?" Honey says.

"Its looks delish Senpai," I say as I sit down beside Hikaru.

"I apologize that there aren't any maids around to help you cook senpai," Kyoya says.

"It's no big deal. We appreciate you letting us stay here. Hey Takashi, will you go get Haru-chan?" Honey asks. Mori nods and walks off.

"Yeah Kyoya Senpai its lovely here," I tell him.

"It's awfully gloomy out there, huh? It looks like it's gonna rain," Honey says. I stare out the window and sigh.

"It's not just gloomy outside," Hikaru says.

"It's pretty gloomy right here in the dining room as well. Just take a look at senpai," Kaoru says. I look back to see Tamaki huddled in a corner. I sigh as I walk over and kneel beside him.

"Senpai you okay?" I ask him.

"Come on. Quit moping, boss," Hikaru says.

"You shouldn't have picked a fight with her in the first place," Kaoru says.

"Ignore them," I tell him, "you are right. At least in my mind. Minus the gender part.... But still Haruhi had no way to defend herself and we both scared you."

"Whoa!" Honey exclaims as the door swings open.

"Haruhi, where did you get that dress?" The twins ask. I look up to see Haruhi wearing a nice pink dress.

"From my dad. He must have repacked my bags when I wasn't looking. He's always trying to get me to wear this frilly stuff," Haruhi explains. I pat Tamaki on the shoulder and sigh as I take my place at the table.

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