Chapter Twelve- YOU DID WHAT

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      "I'm starving," I groan as the twins and I walk to the counter. I get to the one next to them and quickly order. "Can I have the A lunch?" The lady nods and gives me a tray.

 "I'll have the A lunch," The twins say from beside me. I groan knowing another fight would start.  "No, give me the B pasta and the D salad! I'll take the F capellini with the barbarie duck! Hold on, make it a foie gras in perigueux sauce!"

"Oi," I groan.

"Stop copying me! Why don't you just leave me alone?" They yell.

"I was wondering what all the fuss was about," I hear. I turn to see Tamaki and I chuckle.Oh boy "I can't believe the two of you are still fighting. You're a disgrace to the host club."

"Hey, look who it is."

"Oh, I love them."

"I've never seen all them together like that."

"We've had enough of this. You're both to blame for this fight. Hika-chan and Kao-chan, I want you to make up and go halfsies on this cake, 'kay?" Honey asks, "But I want to have a piece too. So I guess we're going to have to go thirdsies. We're not going to be able to split the strawberry on top, though. What should we do? Maybe I should just take it. After all, strawberry is all my favorite. Oh, I forgot to ask. Hika-chan, Kao-chan, do you like strawberries?"

"You're just making it worse," Mori says as he drags Honey away from the festering boys, "Leave them alone."

"Oh, Haruhi!" Tamaki squeals, "I didn't expect to run into you in the dining hall?"

"I was worried about those two.So, I followed them here without even thinking. I always bring a box lunch and I was just gonna eat it in my classroom," Haruhi explains. I take my seat at my usual table and pull out my book again.

"I don't care if my box lunch is in an embarrassing heart shape. I will eat it!" Tamaki yells. Hikaru sits across from me and points to the seat beside him.

"Haruhi, you wanna sit here with us?" Hikaru asks.

"Ah, okay," She says. I stab at my plate.

"So what's that? What'd you bring for lunch?" Hikaru asks her.

"Yesterday's leftovers and a rolled omelet," Haruhi explains.

"You wanna switch with me? I had to order something different than Kaoru, so I ended up with stuff I don't really like.I'd ask Y/n but she doesn't like this either," Hikaru explains. I look at his plate. Yuck, yeah he's right.

"That's fine with me," Haruhi says as they switch lunches. "This is really magnificent. I've never tried anything like this before." She takes a bit and blushes with a small moan.

"Hikaru Hitachiin hands up," I whisper yell thinking he had his hand in her pants. But nope she moaned from the food?

"Well played, Hikaru. As a reward, I'd like to trade you my lunch for your box lunch," Tamaki says.

"No way."

"Come on, trade with me."

"Forget about it." Kaoru sits down on the other side of Haruhi.

"So, Haruhi, is that any good? How would you like to taste mine? Here," He offers her a spoonful only for Hikaru to reach over and eat it.

"Quit butting in. Get lost, Kaoru," Hikaru says. Kaoru picks up his bowl and tosses it at Hikaru who pulls Tamaki in front of him as a shield. This causing another all out fight.

"I think I'm gonna go eat in my classroom after all," Haruhi says as she gets up and walks away. Soon the twins break it up and Kaoru eyes me.

"Hey Y/n you busy?" He asks.

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