Chapter Twenty Nine- Haruhi Goes "Missing"

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    One thing I always loved about summer was the fact I could sleep in. And man oh man was I taking advantage of that. As I curl up in my soft bed I could hear my phone ringing. "Ughhhhhh" I groan as I roll over to grab it. Only to roll to far over and fall off. I click answer. "What?!" I hiss.

       "She's gone! My beloved daughter has vanished off the face of the earth! She must've been kidnapped by a band of gypsies! I just know it! Contact the police! We have to request an emergency deployment of the SDF-" Tamaki screams. I realize soon its a group call with all of the hosts except Haruhi.

      "For the love of god," I groan.

     "It's the only explanation! I've been trying to get through to her home phone and her father's work phone for the past several days and no one will answer! They've been evicted and forced into indentured servitude! We have to rescue them!" Tamaki whines.

   "Oh! Haru-chan!" Honey whines.

   "Boss please, not so loud. Have you tried calling her cell phone yet?" Hikaru says.

    "Cell phone? Why on Earth would she have a cell phone!?" Tamaki asks.

    "Because everyone except you has one," I tell him.

   "Of course! She was issued one by a secret underground network of commoners known as the plebeian exchange," Tamaki rants. 

"Kyoya should we tell him?" I ask the older boy he sighs. 

"Not to interrupt your delusion, but Haruhi is currently in Karuizawa," Kyoya informs him. 

"Haruhi was turned out of her home, kidnapped by gypsies, and forced into servitude in Karuizawa?" Tamaki asks.

"Moron," Kyoya groans.

"God are we going or what?" I ask harshly.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen we are going to Karuizawa!" Tamaki says. I bang my head against the floor. 

"Ughhhhh fine sure whatever now can I sleep!" I yell.


    We approach the sweet peaceful land of Karuizawa in the loud harshness of a helicopter. "Haruhi! Despair not! Daddy's come to save you!" Tamaki yells. We land and pile out of the thing and follow Haruhi inside.

  "Oh my! What dashing young men and women you are! These hotties must belong to Haruhi!" Another transvestite says as we sit down at the counter inside. 

 "Another fluttering tranny?" Tamaki asks.

  "Just when we thought it was going to be a normal summer break," I say as settle down.

 "Why don't you call me Misuzu-chi?" The person, now known as Misuzu Chi says

"He's an old friend of Ranka's. They used to work together at the same shop years ago," Kyoya explains.

"Well, naturally you would know," Tamaki says.

"Kill me," Haruhi groans.

"I went into business for myself 2 years ago, and believe you me. Running this adorable little pension is like living a fairy-tale," Misuzu Chi says.

"So then, is Haru-chan like your indenture servant?" Honey asks.

"She's more like an unpaid employee. This also happens to be Ranka's preferred method for keeping track of his daughter while he's busy working," Kyoya says.

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