Chapter Four- The Party

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"Suzushima is Kasuga-chan's fiance," Honey says as he hangs around Haruhi's neck.

"Really?" I ask. Honey nods.

"Kyoya, how long have you known about this?" Tamaki asks Kyoya who stares down into his notebook.

"About the two of them being engaged? Well, as you know, I conduct general researches on all of our customers. The two of them were childhood friends. It seems their engagement was arranged by their parents.I didn't think the information would benefit us. So I disregarded it," Kyoya says.

"I see," Tamaki says.

"Toru Suzushima. Outstanding grades, fair social status. He's ordinary looking. But he's reliable. If I had to fault him for anything..." Kyoya says. 

"He doesn't have much presence," Hikaru says.

"And he's faint-hearted,"Kaoru says.

"So, in other words," Kyoya says.

"He's boring," I say for him, "average and plain."

"Suzushima is a good boy, right?" Honey asks now on Mori's shoulders.

"Yeah," Mori says.

"All right, everyone," Tamaki says, "We'll have to work on our strategy."

"Which one?" We asks.

"Men-" He starts I fake cough and he sighs, "and women, it is our responsibility as members of the elite Ouran host club to make every girl happy."

"Oh boy," I mumble. He leans us in and starts to explain his idea. Get Kanako and Suzushima together. Simple enough. Kyoya and the twins pull me over to help them with the love letter. "Why would I know how to write a love letter?"

"You've never dealt with them?" Kaoru asks.

"I've gotten hundreds of them," I correct, "just never written one."

"Well just tell us what a female would write," Kyoya says. I look over what they have started and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Dear god," I chuckle, "I can tell you've never written a love letter either."

"Will it work?" Hikaru asks.

"It will but Haruhi is going to murder you for portraying her like that," I tell them.

"No she won't," Kyoya says, "she has no capability." I look at the time on my phone and look at them.

"I need to head home to start getting ready," I say to them, "but that should be good."

"Let us walk you out," Hikaru says. I look questioningly and he points to Kaoru, "we need to get ready too."

"Of course," I say. I link my arms with the boys as we head out of the school. As we reach the front of the school I see my driver waiting for me. "Thats me."

"Right," Hikaru says. They remove their arms and wave as I get into my car waving to them as I leave.


  I make my way through the crowd to the stage, slightly later than the host call time, meeting the twins at the bottom to lead my up the stairs. Hikaru's eyes widen quickly as his face turns pink. I ignore it and link my arms with the twins as they help me up the steps. Once I move to my spot Tamkai takes the mic. "It is so good to see you here tonight, my little lambs. The Ouran host club would like to bid you welcome," Tamaki says earning gasps and cheers.

"As always, ladies, the host club members are here for your entertainment. So we invite you to dance to your heart's content. Based on her dancing skills, one lucky young lady will be chosen as tonight's queen. The queen's reward will be a passionate kiss on the cheek from our king," Kyoya announces.

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