Chapter Seventeen- The Beach

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  "The beach?" Haruhi asks as we prepare for out beach trip. 

  "Of course, the beach," The twins say.

  "Oh yes Haruhi you're not backing out now! We are going to the beach," I tell her as I look along the swimsuits from the twins.

"But why?" Haruhi asks.

  "Don't you remember what you said?" Hikaru asks her.

  "You said you'd like to go to a real beach," Kaoru adds.

 "Did I say that?" Haruhi asks.

 "Yes, Haruhi," The twins say.

 "Yep," I tell her.

 "Here's the fun part," They say.

"We brought some swimsuits for you to choose from," Kaoru says.

"Both of you," Hikaru adds. I smirk as look across the mannequins. "Pretty cute, don't you think?" I look to see the twins Harassing Haruhi again.

"Not that one. I think that this swimsuit would look much cuter on Haru-chan," Honey says as he points to a dark blue sailor like suit.

"I don't think you get it, Honey senpai," They say.

"Just look," Hikaru says, "This uniform barely hides the fact that Haruhi is as flat as a cutting board."

"A one-piece suit like that would only upset her because it draws attention to her lacking feminine physique," Kaoru says.

"That's why we carefully selected this two piece suit, see? The ruffles help hide the fact that she's so flat-chested," They say.

"Thats hardly appropriate!" I lecture them. Tamaki runs over angrily.

"You punks had better quit sexually harassing my little girl! I've had enough of you!" Tamaki yells.

"That means we're not going to the beach?" They ask.

"Who said that we're not going?" Tamaki asks slyly.

"Really?" They ask, "So you wanna go after all?"

"Can Use-chan come, too?" Honey asks.

"I have no problem with that," Kyoya says.

"Huh? We're really gonna go?" Haruhi asks.

"Are we?!" I ask Tamaki.

"Why not? Let's go to the beach," Tamaki says.


   As we shuffle from the limo and step onto the beach we all glance over to our leaders. "Tamaki? Kyoya? Whats going on?" I ask the.

  "Yeah why'd we come to Okinawa?" The twins ask.

  "Because Kyoya's family has a private beach here," Tamaki informs us. I stare at the peaceful calm waters and nod.

 "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Honey asks.

 "Yeah," I say.

 "But why couldn't we have gone..." Kaoru says.

" the Caribbean?" Hikaru asks.

"Or even Fiji?" Kaoru asks.

"Do you think a commoner like Haruhi has a passport?" Kyoya says. 

"Ahh," They say.

"You do realize that I can hear what you're saying, right?" Haruhi asks.

"Whatever we are at the beach!" I squeal, "I love the beach!" Kyoya leads us inside as our guests behind us. We sit our stuff in rooms Kyoya had placed us in. I quickly switch from my clothes to my bathingsuit, then I pull on Hikaru's jacket. As I rush out to the clients I catch a spot beside the water on a large rock.


  "Isn't this such a lovely beach..... Oh jeez look at the time," I say to my collection of clients, "Its time to switch clients." I look around and smile softly at them, "I'll be back for the next turn for you guys let me fetch my guitar."  As I climb down from the rock I catch a couple of the twins clients staring daggers into my soul. I reach Kyoya and the twins who were in the middle of... something.

"You were invited on this all-expenses-paid vacation for a reason and that is to keep our clients entertained," Kyoya explains.

"We know. But with the ladies and dudes here," Hikaru says.

"Haruhi can't change to her swimsuit," Kaoru finishes.

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