Chapter Three- The Host Hopper

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    I pull the dress over my form and step out to see the others, "Can someone please zip me?" I beg. Hikaru steps up to me and pulls the zipper up my back. 

  "You're good," He mumbles.

 "Thanks," I mumble back my face slightly pink. I pull away and slip the sandals Tamaki gave me on my feet. "So how does it look?"

  "You look great Y/n~chan!" Honey says as he adjusts his costume. I see Hikaru start to mumble something but ultimately looks away from me.

 "Thanks Honey-Senpi," I say, "now are we ready?"

  "Your prince is the one who declares us ready!" Tamaki says. He looks across us and nods, "we are ready."

  "Good," I groan as we fall into position. In between the twins as normal. Everyone was here except Haruhi. "Where is she?"

 "Who knows," Hikaru shrugs. I look back and roll my eyes at the ginger. Nervously pulling on the sleeves I requested for my costume. After the minutes tick by finally Haruhi sprints through the door.

"You finally made it, Haruhi," The twins say, "You're so late."

"I could be wrong, but my calendar says it's still early spring," Haruhi says as she takes in our outfits and the jungle set around her.

"Huddling under a kotatsu table, fearing the cold is nonsense.And besides the heating system we have is the best," Tamaki says.

"Do you have a problem with the way we run our club, Haruhi?" Kyoya asks. Be careful what you say. You owe us 8 million yen, remember?"

"Gentlemen don't bundle up in bulky clothing. It may be a chilly early spring out there in the real world, but here at the club we want to surprise our chilly little kittens with a warm tropical paradise," Tamaki says, "Oh yes. We've turned this place into nirvana, a balmy tropical island of everlasting summer."

"That's funny 'cause I feel a massive chill right now," Haruhi mocks. As the clients file in I adjust me dress again, it was simple of multiple bright colored patterns but didn't compare to what Tamaki was going to try to force Haruhi in. 

 "Now remember boys," I tell them, "the host club will be sponsoring a formal party one of the grand halls." I take the flower Honey had given me earlier and had tucked it into my hair. "It'll be the perfect night of dancing. I will be excepting partners."

 "Save me a dance!" One says.

"Me too!" 


"I said it first!"

"Boys boys its a whole night I can dance with all of you," I assure them, "I glance up to see the host hopper stopped in front of Haruhi. And watch as she sits down much to Tamaki's dismay. "I expect all of you there."

"Of course," They say. I trace my fingers along one of the guys hands and smirk at him. 

'I'll be singing a song," I tell him, "a sweet melody about you my dear." He smiles at me and watches me as I trace circles into his hands.  

"O-okay," He mumbles.


 "I can't take this any more," Tamaki sulks at a side table as slurps ramen. Constantly grumbling about Kasuga and Haruhi. 

 "Hey boss, why don't you stop eating that commoner's ramen and come over here to help us with the party planning?" Hikaru suggests gesturing to the table where us hosts had gathered around to plan the party. Kyoya typing away.

"Does it really bother you that princess Kasuga has taken a liking to Haruhi?" Kaoru asks.

"He shouldn't be surprised," Kyoya says, "She's had the illness for a while now, hasn't she?"

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