Chapter Nine- The Movie

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 Renge was actually crazy, in her delusion she had turned the school into a move set. Right now we were working on the Kaoru Hikaru bit. They were some sort of basketball players and Kaoru got hurt or whatever. I was patiently watching as they redid it once again.

"Get a stretcher!" A man yells after Hikaru takes his victory shot, "Take him to the infirmary, immediately!" Hikaru bends over the stretcher to see his brother fake groaning in pain.

"Kaoru, Kaoru, Kaoru," Hikaru says.

"You've got to get back in the game, Hikaru. We need you," The coach character says.

"Shut up!" Hikaru yells.

"Hikaru, listen to me," Kaoru says, "Please don't worry. There's nothing you can do. You can't share my pain. You are not the one who got hurt. Now, go on."

"I can't. It hurts. It hurts, Kaoru," Hikaru says clutching his brothers hand.

"Your pain is my pain. It doesn't matter to me if no one else understands. As long as we have each other, we can go on living," Renge says. They move on to Tamaki's bit.

"I'm sorry but I'm envious. The way the two of you support each other like that," Tamaki says as the loud rain drops hit the concentrate.

"But Suou senpai," Hikaru says.

"How can you be envious of us? You're the school's idol," Kaoru says.

"An idol, right. I hate that people all worship me for something so superficial as my appearance. I think it would be much better for me to be alone," Tamaki says.

"One lonely heart meets another. They pass each other, wounding one another. What are the hearts of these young men made of?" Renge narrates.

"You can't run away forever. I'm gonna show you what happens to anyone that crosses me," Honey says to Haruhi as she runs through the campus.

"Don't do it, Mitsukuni," Mori says, "You should have realized by now that whenever you hurt others, you're really just hurting yourself."

" I didn't ask you for any advice.You want me to put you over my knee again?" Honey says.

"Will it be the light of salvation that ultimately awaits these boys? Or will it be something else?" Renge says.

"You know, it really pisses me off when people don't know their place-" Honey says starting to whimper, "I'm so sorry, Haru-chan! I can't do this any more!"

"Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut! What's wrong with you? You got to stick to the script," Renge yells.

"But I can't," He whines.

"Stop rolling, cameraman," Renge orders. I look across the others and groan.

"I just want to film my part so she'll leave me alone," I groan.

"How'd we go from changing our characters to shooting a movie about them?" Hikaru asks.

"And why is there an entire film crew here to shoot it?" Haruhi asks.

"Apparently, she flew them in from Hollywood. Don't you recognize the director? He directed the vampire movie, Millennial Snow. It was the No.1 grossing box-office hit in America last year," Kyoya says.

"And another thing, how come this stupid script portrays Kaoru as the pitcher?" Hikaru asks.

"Yeah," Kaoru says.

"No offense Kaoru because you know I love you like a brother, but it looks unnatural and out of character," I admit to the boys.

"We know!" The exclaim.

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