Chapter Ten- A War Among Brothers

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"Let's all play the 'which one is Hikaru?' game," The twins say, "So, can you tell which one of us is Hikaru?"

"Are you really playing this game again?" I ask them.

"You're just mad you couldn't tell us apart," Hikaru says.

"Two years ago!" I yell, "stop holding that against me! ...You know what I don't care."

"So which on of us is Hikaru?" Hikaru asks wearing his green hat covering his bangs, his twin doing the same.

"Well, it's hard to say," One of their clients say. "You're identical."

"Many ladies have tried to tell us apart, but so far none have succeeded," They say.

"That's the dumbest game I've ever heard of," Haruhi says.

"Thank you!" I yell.

"What? Have you got a problem with it, Haruhi?" They asks.

"Not really," Haurhi says, "I just don't understand why the two of you are so popular."

"That's not very nice," They say.

"I'm disappointed," Hikaru says.

"Apparently, you don't understand the merits of having a pair of twins as members of the host club," Kaoru says.

"Listen up. Having a couple of good-looking guys with homosexual tendencies earns the club high points. It also helps that the two struggle between their attraction and their friendship," Hikaru explains.

"And in our case, because we're twins, our relationship is taboo and therefore more intriguing," Kaoru says.

"And besides, who hasn't fantasized about twins? Having two loves is better than one, don't you think?" Hikaru says as he caress one of the girls cheek.

"It's a young woman's romantic fantasy," Kaoru says.

"Well, um, yeah, you're right," The girl mumbles, "I can't take it." I roll my eyes and lay my arm around Haruhi.

"In summary, there are some girls who want more than they can take, but also want twincest?" I tell her, "its weird."

"Yeah," Haruhi says.

"Hikaru, Kaoru!" Tamaki yells running towards us, "When I gave you control of the club's website, I did it so on one condition that you take it seriously."

"We take our job very seriously, boss," Hikaru says.

"In fact, last night we worked on it till dawn," Kaoru says.

"Is this what you worked so hard to create?" Tamaki yells showing us a photo-shopped picture of Haruhi.

"You look great, Haru-chan," Honey exclaims.

"Tell me when!" Tamaki asks.

"Huh?" They ask.

"When did you take naked pictures of Haruhi?" Tamaki asks, "You bribed her, didn't you?"

"You're imagining things," They say.

"Clearly thats not a picture of Haruhi," I tell him, "come on Tamaki-Senpai even you should be able to tell."

"It was photoshopped?" He asks.

"We did a pretty good job, huh?" Hikaru asks.

"We've got some major photoshopping talent," Kaoru says.

"You idiots! That's a waste of your skills! Have you no shame?" Tamaki says, "But if you're going to do it anyway, can you photoshop her into this idol photo book? Hmm, please?"

Broken Boys Like Broken Girls. // Hikaru x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now