Chapter Eleven- Pink and Blue Huh?

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  I hear the soft bangs as something hits my windows. I walk out onto my balcony and I see Hikaru. "Hikaru what are you doing here?" I ask as I tighten my robe. 

 "I can't stay there with Kaoru and his stupid face," Hikaru says, "I didn't know where else to go." I yawn and nod.

"You live in a mansion and you couldn't find another room?" I ask him.

"Its not the simple," Hikaru says. I sigh and look down at him again.

"Meet me at the door," I say to him. I rush down the stairs and reach to door opening it to see something I didn't notice earlier. His once stunning ginger locks now bright pink. "Wow."

"The hair?" Hikaru asks, "Do you like it?"

"Its new," I tell him, "it looks good. I'm just surprised... Um come in." I lead him up my staircase and to the spare room across from mine. "You can stay here."

"But that seems lonely," Hikaru says.

"And you seem needy," I snap back. I tighten my robe again. He sticks his tongue out.

"Fine," He sighs.

"I'm right across the hall if you need me okay?" I tell him. He nods.

"Thanks for letting me stay here," He says.

"Anytime," I tell him, "I do care, as much as I don't seem like it." He chuckles then leans towards me.

"I know," He says. I lead him in the room and sit on the bed.

"So what happened with Kaoru?" I ask as he sits beside me. I take his hand and rub the back of it with my thumb.

"We got into another fight," Hikaru says, "he won't stop. Its just constant bickering with us.... and its weird. Kaoru and I never fight."

"Maybe its pent up anger," I tell him, "you can't never fight with someone, its only healthy to bicker sometimes. I mean you and Kaoru are different people you can't always agree."

"But were twins-"

"You are still different people," I say. 

"People can't tell which one of us is which," Hikaru exclaims, "how can we be our own people if no one knows who we are!" I move my hand to caress his cheek.

"Hikaru," I say.

"You can't even tell," He whimpers. I sigh.

"I can," I tell him, "and not because of your haircut, or this pink madness. Okay? You may look the same but you are different. Very different."

"How?" He asks.

"First off you wear this look better, second you might be more mischievous but you are the sweetest man I've ever met, I mean remember what you did for me when I wanted to be a host?" I say. He nods. Tamaki had set my quota at 100 in a week, and I had gotten so far but I couldn't get the last guest. So Hikaru requested me to give me my last guest, meaning I could become a host. Then his brother, then Honey and Mori, then Tamaki, and Finally Kyoya (only because Tamaki dragged him over.) And here I am.

"Yeah," He chuckles, "you worked so hard, I wasn't going to let you fail."

"Exactly," I tell him, "and you're caring, funny, smart in a different way, I love your teasing and pranks, so yes, You are your own person." His face bright red, mine matching. "Sorry..."

"No its fine," He says. I pull my hand away from his face and wrap my arms around him pulling into a tight hug. I pull away and he sighs. 

"I'm going to bed," I tell him. I slid away and head towards the door. "Night Hikaru."

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