Chapter Thirty Four- The History Of the Female Host

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  "Look at her she's such a freak"

   "Showing off her scars like that, its like she's proud." 

    "She should of just finished the job and killed herself."

   "Y/n are you okay?" Haruhi asks snapping me from my thoughts. I look away from my bare arms to the ground. Wiping my eyes quickly.

    "Yeah," I mumble as I attempt to pull my sleeves down.

   "Are you okay?" She asks again.

   "Yeah, yeah, Can you go get Tamaki?" I ask her, "please?" She nods before leaving the changing room. Minutes later I see the tall blonde enter the room. He see's my teary face before he kneels down in front of me. His eyes settling on my tattered wrists.

  "Oh dear," He sighs, "I'll be back." He leaves, but quickly returns draping his jacket on to my shoulders. "I knew these costumes would cause problems."

   "I'm sorry," I sniffle, "it's just-"

"You can't help your illness," Tamaki says. I wipe my eyes as he helps me up. "Now those are old right?"

"Yep. 1 year as of yesterday," I say almost proudly. He smiles at me before placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Good," He says, "cause we need you around here... you ready to go out?"

"Yeah," I say. He nods and we both leave the dressing rooms to rejoin the host. Automatically meet with a pouting Hikaru.

"Boss why were you in the changing room with her?!" Hikaru yells.

"Costume help," Tamaki says simply. I can see himself want to get mad. Until he sees the jacket. Something in his mind clicks. He drops his offensive position and walks towards me. Wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm sorry," he sighs.

"Its fine," I mumble into his chest, "its just a thing."

"Are you gonna be okay?" Tamaki asks. I nod and pull away from Hikaru. Wiping my face again.

"Of course," I say, "bring on the clients." Tamaki nods before opening the doors. And soon people were flooding into the room. I wave to Hikaru as his brother pulls him off to their table. I sit before my clients smiling. Occasionally looking back to the twins.

"Wouldn't it be nice to be a twin," One of my clients say.

"Don't you wish you had one Y/n," One of the girls say. I freeze before someone looks over to stop her.


"God you idiot!"

"Its fine," I say, "she didn't know." I could feel my throat closing up. "I-I'm not feeling so good. I'll see you guys around." I get up and walk towards Kyoya. As I get up I could feel the looks on me. "Kyoya I'm not feeling well. I'm going home. I don't want to get anyone here sick."

"Well alright," Kyoya says. I march from the school not turning back as I contact my driver. Soon he's pulling to the front of the school. The moment I get home I'm met with my mother, huddling under the portrait of my sister and I.

"Hey Mom," I say weakly.

"Its three years tomorrow," She whimpers, "did you know?"

"Of course," I say, "I'll be in my room." She nods as I rush up to my room. Falling onto my bed as Crona joins me. Its been three years since Adalena died. She had lung cancer, spent the last couple months of her life in her bed suffering. After she passed my depression got worse than it ever was. Causing me to be put in therapy. And on antidepressants. "Awe Crona," I say as I pet my dog. "I just need cuddles."

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