Chapter Five- Beware

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  Today's host theme being a flower viewing party, Hikaru, Kaoru, Tamaki, Kyoya, and I being butlers/ servants. Me having a shorter maid style dress on. While the guys got butler uniforms. "Are you enjoying the tea today?" I ask my group, "I picked it myself, Yunnan Gold Tips."

"Its Delicious," One of them say.

"Quite actually," The other says.

"And that's why I've compiled this picture book that contains photo that capture the beauty of each passing day. Incidentally, I've prepared similar books of the other hosts as well. And if you ladies are interested in collecting all five of them, I'll discount the full set for you," Kyoya says to a group of girls.

"Picture book eh?" I ask myself as some of my clients move off to buy one.

"Well, now we know how the club makes extra money," The twins say.

"But I have to wonder," Hikaru asks.

"When did he take pictures of us?" Kaoru asks. I shrug.

"Who knows," I tell them, "I'd rather not know honestly." My  clients begin to move back with their picture books on them. I smirk as they flip through them. "Darling why look at the past when you can enjoy me in the present?" I ask. One of them goes red as I take his hand, "what must I do for your attention?"

"N-n-nothing," He says, "nothing at all." I smirk.

"Good," I tell them, "very good." I keep up the usual flirting and flattering until its almost time to leave. Then I join the twins with Haruhi.

"So, Haruhi, have you decided your elective courses for this term?" The twins asks.

"Oh yeah! Have you?" I ask her.

"How about conversational French?" Kaoru suggests.

"I don't know," Haruhi says.

"I think the four of us should take it together. It makes perfect sense," Hikaru says.

"We are in the same class," I say catching the slight teasing they were doing to Tamaki, "besides I need a new desk buddy."

"Just tell me what classes you guys are looking up," I tell them, "we have to take them together."

"Listen, Haruhi," Tamaki says pulling her away from us, "I want you to stop hanging out with shady twins from now on."

"Who you calling shady?" Hikaru asks.

"Yeah, take a good look at yourself, boss," Kaoru says.

"I mean seriously Tamaki-senpi. Your not the most trusted character," I say.

"Yes, that's it. All right then. We can't go on hiding the fact that you're a girl from everyone in the school any longer. All daddy wants is for you to go back to being the girl you used to be, for you to surround yourself with girlfriends and start leading a wholesome life," Tamaki says.

"Who are you calling daddy?" Haruhi asks.

"Daddy eh?" I ask the twins.

"So, do it. Change back now. Change right now," Tamaki demands.

"You don't have to rush things. She's going to be found out soon enough," Hikaru assures him.

"Physical exams are the day after tomorrow," Kaoru says.

"Physical exams?" Haruhi asks.

"That's right, I forgot all about it," Kyoya says.

"Then that means there's no doubt. They're gonna know I'm really a girl," Haruhi says.

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