Chapter Thirty Eight- The Preformance and Two Firsts

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"Oh, Marianne, how many lonely nights have I prayed that we'd be together again and how many times are the powers that be demanded that we remained apart?" Benibara says as she stands before Haruhi in character. She was a fairly nice actress. "That our love is forbidden..."

"Oh my lord Frederick," Haruhi says very harsh and robotically. She on the other hand was a terrible actress.

"Oh!" Benibara exclaims as she falls to the ground, "I'm slain by this fatal gunshot wound!
Alas, I'm to draw breath no more." I look around me to see the other girls watching eagerly.

"My lord Frederick," Haruhi says again.

"Marianne, with your arms holding me close, all this pain becomes not. I am overwhelmed with peace. Lovely angel, your gaze is my paradise and you are the very image of my beloved Mother," Benibara says emotionally. While Haruhi stares off. Obviously not giving much attention. As Beni rambles on all I can think about is that there has been what 5 minutes since he was shot and no one could get a doctor? That and Haruhi's god awful acting.

"My lord Frederick," Haruhi says again as Benibara starts again with another monologue. While Hinagiku waves me over to the microphone. While Haruhi was the face. I was singing in her place. They send my the cue and I take my place.

"Here, in this moment, I am loosing nothing," I sing out, "Even if you leave me, I won't be alone. Because love has taught me that this life is still worth living and the skies above can't stop me..." the music cuts and I'm left with out the music. I look around. "Come on? I can't sing with out music. And Haruhi is lip-singing like a dead fish."

"Now maiden-"

"My foot got tangled in the cord okay," Hinagiuk says, "I apologize." I scoff and look back to Haruhi still lip syncing.

"Can we start the song again?" I ask calming down. They restart the song and I take a deep breath and look to Haruhi. "Ready."

"Ready," she says. The song starts and I smile.

"Here, in this moment I am losing nothing Even if you leave me, I won't be alone Because love has taught me That this life is still worth living Empty skies above can't stop me I'll protect you Countless times your kindness,
You always left me breathless You taught me what it all meant And to never give up
This dream that you brought to life It seems you've shattered it, but we will mend it together," I sing out, "Ah... Why can't you see that Your family needs you now You've kept us together 'till now, we can't walk away
And neither can you These little wings,
Kept our bond close no matter how different we all may be, but that's family. Even the times we've just- conversed a little here and there
Those moments will forever remain in my heart But all I know right now is this Pain you've caused for leaving us
I don't like this feeling If I told you how I felt
And all of us, here right now Do you think I'd feel any better? If I had said those words then,
Would that make a difference? Will this haunting shadow fade away? Ah... Why can't you see that you are needed right here
There is no other place you should be
Except with us It appears for now you had to go But you have to promise!-" I sing and look to the window to see the Zuka fan club gathered.  But my attention was caught by a couple of rather familiar faces amongst them. "Ah... the sun will soon set Our day will come to an end I won't allow you to depart
I'll follow you I shall pray and pray until that moment I see you and that smile again
Just know that I will bring you back to us
that smile... we all want to see. please, we need you, come back to us. do you know how much you'll be missed? all we want is your safe return." The girls around us clap and I nod.

"Maiden that was wonderful," Benibara says, "you will do fantastic tonight."

"Fantastic," I say. Still not really wanting to be there.

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