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Date: 2/12/18edited

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Date: 2/12/18

I am rewriting this book! The rewrite is being published in this current book, at the very end. Chapters with the rewrite will have (NEW) in the titles! I highly recommend you check that out, because it is generally a lot better than this is. It has a lot of new content, better writing, and a more cohesive plot. If you are returning, I recommend checking it out as well. But, read what you want, and thanks for supporting

And now...

Chapter One

The air was sickly sweet, filled with a sugary aroma. I squeezed my eyes shut, inhaling the ambrosial smell, peaking my head from my covers. My moms' pancakes were the only thing that could wake me up from a dead sleep. On my bedside table my phone was blaring it's alarm, (Which was Low by Flo Rida), for the third time, but it just translated to white noise to me.

Even with the music blasting, and the smell of my mothers delicious pancakes, sleep always won. I was drifting back into unconsciousness, my limbs becoming heavier by the second.

"Ruby, turn that awful music off!"

My eyes snapped open, and I was blinded by bright light. I squeezed my eyes shut and turned my head, shielding my face from the light that was streaming through my window that was vertical my bed. I pulled my comforter over my head, stifling a groan.

I poked my hand out from under my covers, waving it around for a few moments until I hit my phone. The alarm cut off with a strangled cry, and then I was met with silence. By the time I had retracted my hand and was cradling it to my chest, bitter cold had already seeped in the cracks and into my warm cocoon.

Realizing that the damage had already been done, I kicked my blankets off of my body and let the polar air nip at my body. I stretched, arching my back, before letting my arms falls to my side. Sitting there for a few moments, I rubbed my eyes, trying to get my body to kick into gear.

Exhaling, I looked over at my phone, leaning over so I could pick it up. The screen flashed to life, and I looked at the notifications before nearly choking. I only had a few minutes to get ready and be out the door.

In my house, it was customary that I woke up late, and at this point it would be abnormal if I woke up at a normal time. As I persist to the attendance lady in my school, my family are my enablers. Not only do they not wake me up at appropriate times, fully knowing I won't do it myself, they also force me to stay up and do slave labor such as, and not excluded to, the dishes.

The attendance lady was, to say the least, never pleased with my excuses.

I dropped my phone on my nightstand and leapt out of my bed, cautiously trying to avoid stepping on any miscellaneous objects that were strewn on the floor of my bedroom.

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