The Conversation

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My mother is an intimidating woman when she wants to be. She met both of us with a straight face, but her eyes were slit in such a way, that I knew she had to be pissed. Or in this case, beyond pissed.

I wanted to sink into the couch as both my parents came into view, my father holding a near same expression as my mother. He couldn't hide is anger well, though, and his mouth was tilted in a frown.

Connell looked at both of them, trying to decide on the best way to talk to them.

"Good to see you," he said slowly.

My mother blinked, before looking at my dad. I furrowed my eyebrows, but said nothing as I peeked over the couch.

Connell moved to the side to let my parents in, looking at me shortly after. My parents followed his gazes, and I could see a very tiny shift in my mother's expression.

She walked forward, paying no attention to anyone else as she came up to me. Before I could say anything she wrapped her arms around me, holding me tightly to her chest.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She whispered into my shoulder. I stayed quiet, inhaling the comforting smell of lavender.

"I'm sorry," I said once I could, before breaking away from her. My mothers eyes were both gentle with caring, and angry. Not at me, particularly. I believe she was angry at the situation.

My father came up to me next, taking me into his arms. He was the more gentle of the two, but as he hugged me, he radiated anger. Still, it wasn't pointed at me- but the situation. And certainly a bit towards Connell.

Speaking of, Connell came around the couch, sitting on one of his chairs on the opposite side of the coffee table. As I turned hugged my father, I turned to look at him.

Connell seemed to have zone out for a minute, but came to attention at my gaze.

"We have to talk," My mother said sternly, crossing her arms as she looked at Connell. I fiddled with my hair, wrapping a long curly piece around my finger nervously.

Connell nodded, and though he had a calm disposition, I could see the way his eyes shifted with nerves.

"When did you find out," My mother asked first, inhaling deeply as she looked at Connell.

"A few months ago," I answered for him. My mother's eyes shifted to me, before going back to Connell.

"You rejected her," My mother continued. Connell tensed up, sitting up straighter.

"I had my reasons," Connell answered.

"What reasons could dictate that?" My mother hissed.

"Mom stop!" I interrupted, drawing her attention. My mother seemed to bite back words, leaning back into the couch with her arms crossed.

"I promise it was best at the time," Connell tried once again. I could see that his features were clouded with shame.

My mother exhaled, her slit eyes looking back at Connell.

"Fine. Let's talk about how you're a grown man, with a teenager."

Connell seemed taken about, blinking a few times before looking fully at her.

"She's 18-,"

"-which is an adult!" I interrupted him.

My mother frowned, looking at me. "You're a teenager." She said once more, as though it would change my perspective.

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