The Picnic

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I tapped my foot impatiently as my family rushed around my crowded kitchen. All of my aunts, save Jessica, were trying to cook breakfast. None of them seemed to be on the same page.

I organize my family by craziness. Jessica is my youngest aunt, and she has a 13 year old son named Jackson. Jessica's most of a free spirit than anyone else. Though she's a wolf, she's never found her mate. Having no mate is considered in many packs to be a sin, but Jessica's pack didn't care.

She ended up marring a rich dude in the Bahamas and 9 months later came Jackson.

Jessica also has no understanding of boundaries, tending to flaunt around every semi-good looking guy she sees. Which would be okay, if Connell wasn't added to the conversation.

I watched as Jessica ran into Laura, my other aunt. Laura was my mom's sister, and that meant she asked a lot of personal questions. She was nice other than that, but if left alone too long with her, she'll start getting personal, quick.

Then there was Alexandria. She was my dad's sister, along with Jessica. Few things could be said about her, but most could come to the conclusion that She is a cold hearted bitch.

My cousin sighed next to me, scrolling through their phones. Other than Jackson, I had 2 other cousins. Jeanette and Max.

Jeanette and Max were assholes, and we didn't get along. Though we were all pretty dumb, my mom and Laura often fought over who's kids were smarter. They would proudly show off our grades when we were kids, but as we got older starter relying on word of mouth because our grades went downhill.

None of us would win the smart people Olympics, but that didn't stop our parents from fighting over who was smarter.

After a few more minutes of waiting, breakfast was finally put on the table. We had a multitude of different breakfast items, since everyone liked different foods. I was easy, since I would eat really anything you put in front of me.

"Today we're going on a picnic," My mother announced as we sat down. Zach and I stifled our groans, while Jeanette and Max pulled annoyed faces.

Jackson just sat in the corner, watching everyone with that strange look he always has on his face.

I piled a lot of pancakes and waffles on my plate as my parents decided where we would go. I stopped listening when they started talking about everything they would have to pack.

I wasn't sure it was lucky or unlucky, but the time passed quick, and soon enough we were getting into our cars.

I refused to drive anyone but Zach over, not wanting to interact with any of my cousins. There was a strong fear that Jackson would try to jump out of my car while I was driving.

The drive was peaceful, except for Zach trying to sing along to the radio in the passenger seat. I chose to ignore it.

When we got to the park, I was surprised to see it was relatively empty. Of course, my family decided to put the picnic blanket up at the very top of a hill.

I huffed as I walked up, realizing I really shouldn't have skipped gym.

"You're a wolf, you know?" Max snubbed as I took a break. Shooting him a glare, I continued walking forward.

"Can't believe I didn't know that, my life has been a lie," I said sarcastically. I could see Max make a face behind me, but he appeared normal when I turned around.

When I got to the top of the hill, I sat on the ground, stretching out. It was more cool then cold. The weather was rather bipolar in Virginia.

I felt something drop on my stomach, and I groaned when I saw that it was the picnic basket.

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