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I tried to breathe deeply as I walked down the sidewalk towards my house. My parents were already there, talking with my family. A few of them noticed me coming, but in true style, pretended nothing had happened as they waved to me.

I was thankful, I didn't feel like explaining myself to everyone. Aunt Jessica sat leaned against my car, watching me with dull eyes and a sad frown.

I walked over, ignoring lingering stairs as I went to her. When I got to her, she sighed, and got that motherly-type smile on her face.

"Ruby honey, I'm sorry," She said as soon as she met me. I lifted and eyebrow, before standing next to her.

"I shouldn't have said what I said, even if I didn't know he was your mate," she continued.

I shrugged, inhaling.

"You may want to tone it done a bit, but I know you didn't know," I told her. She had a gentle smile on her face, and put her arm around me.

"You're lucky Ruby, you've got a man that will always love you. I was just angry I didn't have that."

The sweet smell of her perfume incased me, and as I stayed quite, I let myself forget.

She had to leave soon after, Jackson claiming that he had lost his bag. I watched as they left, exhaling shakily. Though it had felt like one weight had been lifted from my shoulders, another dark cloud still loomed over me.

Looking over towards the front steps of my house, I saw Jeanette sitting isolated from everyone else. No one seemed to notice the odd change in her behavior, except for her brother, who watched her with a worried expression.

Deciding to bite the bullet, I stood, and walked over to wear she was sitting. She didn't seem to notice me until I sat next to her.

When she did notice me, her eyes got big, and she seemed to straighten up a bit- as though she had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. She must not like being caught off guard.

Still, instead of snapping at me like she normally did, she just relaxed and got a downcast look on her face.

"Hey Ruby," She said quietly.

I let out a huff as I sat on the step next to her, stretching my legs out once I was settled in. She looked at me from her corner, her eyes curious.

"You okay?" I asked.

She seemed a bit surprised by my question, but just smiled gently.

"I don't know," She said honestly, furrowing her eyebrows as she became down trod once again.

"You know, you were right."

I looked at her, lifting an eyebrow. I was trying to think back at what I was right about.

"My mate isn't exactly a walk in the park," she continued. I realized then what she was talking about.

"I shouldn't have said anything," I interrupted, feeling a pit of guilt as I thought back to what I had said before.

She got a sweet, tight smile on her face, and she shrugged. "I said worse," she responded.

"My mate is in love with someone else," Jeanette said suddenly. There was a shift of her eyes, a look of relief crossing her face- relieved that she could finally say it out loud.

"I should be mad, I really should, but I'm not. He loved her before he met me, he has a right," She continued. Her face was red and her eyes were clouded with running thoughts.

"But still.." Her voice trailed off, and she got the same sorry look on her face as she had before.

I sat there quiet, unsure what to say. I had been rejected, which is the worst thing that can happen to a wolf, but my mate hadn't been in love with someone else. In a way, I could understand how that could hurt more.

"You know, Connell rejected me at first. I was so upset for so long, and I don't think I would have ever truly healed from it-,"

Jeanette looked even kore miserable, sinking down further.

"- But, I don't think the moon goddess makes mistakes."

Her eyes lifted to mine, and I could see her lips twitch as she inhaled. It was something so simple, something many people would cast off as stupid. To us, though, it was all we had, and that's what we hung to.

"I hope your right Ruby," Jeanette told me.

"Come on kids, time to go!"

We both looked up. Aunt Laura was forcing her husband into her car, ushering Jeanette to hurry up at the same time.

Max looked to Jeanette, putting his hand out to her. I could see them as I saw Zach and I. Zach was undeniably protective over me, and Max seemed to be the same, though he was technically younger than Jeanette (by a few minutes).

He wrapped his arm around Jeanette, hugging her as they walked to their car. I watched as the left, waving once the had all gotten into the car.

Jackson and Jessica were off soon after, with Alexander parked in the back with an annoyed expression. There was no doubt she would dwell on the terrible thanksgiving experience until at least the next thanksgiving.

Still, I gave her a sweet smile and waved to them all as they pulled out of the driveway.

When they were all gone, I let out a sigh of relief. I still had two days of Thanksgiving break, and deep down I hoped that was the end of the trauma.

"You okay Ruby?" Zach asked as he looked down at me. I looked up, and nodded with a sweet smile.

"Yeah, I'm great."

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