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Hello everyone! It's been a long time since this book was finished, but I wrote a new years image back in December and wanted to show you guys! Keep in mind this is a messy image, but it's a fun one. Thanks for all the attention this book has recently been getting, and please go and check out my other book, Bite Me, which you can find on my profile.

Thanks darlings!


Elle Kay

4 days before New Years

(1 year after 1st book)

"Connell is ignoring me," Ruby said, a sigh leaving her lips.

From her seat, Sara lifted her eyes to glance at her friend, before returning to her notebook. Her pencil-strokes didn't stop, instead they continued smoothly.

"What'd you do this time?" She asked. Ruby sighed once more, standing from the couch to walk to her friend.

"Well, I may have been mad..." Her voice trailed into a whisper, and she continued. "And I may have told him his performance is bad."

Sara paused, and she glanced up at Ruby. Lifting her eyebrow, a mischievous grin came to her lips.

"Is he?" She asked quietly, leaning forward.

"No!" Ruby said loudly, turning on her heel so she could pace to the other side of the room.

"I was just mad," she mumbled to herself, collapsing back onto the couch with another loud sigh.

Sara stopped drawing, setting her notebook on the counter so she could come and sit with Ruby. Ruby was sitting in the living room, that connected to the kitchen with a large French doors that were almost always pulled open.

It was Lewis's house, and was as clean as a whistle. Adorned with white walls and dark wooded floors, there was not a part in the house that wasn't up in order. Other than Sara's art room, which was covered in paint, the one thing Lewis had zero control over.

Connell and Ruby had visited for the holidays, having come up from Virginia after Christmas. Sara was her normal aloof self, whilst Lewis was almost always outside, chopping down wood or dealing with pack issues.

"Why am I so..." Ruby struggled to find the word.

"Detestable?" Sara offered.

Ruby frowned, her eyebrows furrowing. "I was going to say aggravating, but okay..."

Sara winced inwardly, but continued without a beat. "You just have anger issues," she said as gentle as she possible could.

Ruby quirked an eyebrow at her friend, silently thinking about the pot-calling-the-kettle-black situation, but said nothing. Casting her eyes to the ground, she mulled over the words.

"I'm quick tempered," Ruby said slowly, meeting Sara's eyes. Sara nodded slowly.

Then, like a lightbulb snapping on, Ruby realized what she had to do. Her brain began to churn, her ideas coming to the front.

"I've got it," She said with a grin, standing from the couch. Sara watched her, worry pitting in her stomach. Whenever Ruby had an idea, it never ended well.

"I'm going to put my anger behind me," Ruby said, excitement lacing her voice. "I'm going to put all my bad traits behind me."

Sara swallowed, looking at her friend. "That's you're bright idea?"

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