Halloween Party

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W O R D S : 1817

D A T E : 7/12/2018

I looked around at the group of bored faces. All of them focused on separate things, none of them focused on me. I cleared my throat, hoping to get their attention. None of them looked up.

Fletcher was whistling as Sara drew a fake tattoo on him with a marker. Maddie and Zach were watching the office in the corner of the room. We were nestled in my living room, and the sky had just started turning black.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please!" I called out, clapping my hands loudly. Maddie came to attention, looking up like a puppy who was about to get a treat. Sara glanced up, before making a face and looking back at Fletchers arm.

Both Fletcher and Zach didn't look up at all.

"Boys, you will like this," I persuaded, and they finally looked up, both of them straining to keep their attention.

"As you all know, Halloween is coming up this weekend," I started, pausing for dramatic effect. When they were all looking at me, I continued. "In light of this, I propose we throw a Halloween party."

Fletcher immediately looked excited, nearly jerking his arm away from Sara who looked like she was about to bite his head off.

"As you may know, the wolf court is calling a meeting of all alphas and high ranking pack members, from packs all over the country. This means my parents will be gone over Halloween weekend. So, the party can be held here."

Everyone nodded in agreement, even Sara, who still looked dreadfully bored.

"Fletcher, you're in charge of getting the word out, Zach and Maddie you do food and drinks," I looked at Sara, who gave me a look.

"Sara you can do decorations," I proposed, and Sara gave a pleased nod.

"I'm the fixer, come to me with problems," I told them, and they just looked at each other as if to say "Is that really a good idea?".

We sat around talking about the party for a bit longer, when Maddie started speaking excitedly.

"Halloween costumes, we should make it a costume party!" Maddie smiled, her eyes going to Zach for confirmation. He seemed caught of guard, as though he was in a special place in his mind and zoned out.

I just shrugged, agreeing. Fletcher looked pleased, as though he already knew what stupid costume he would be wearing. Sara was already asleep on the floor, so she had no input.

"I'm going to be an angel," Maddie told us.

"Sara should be a demon," Fletcher laughed, and soon enough we were all laughing. Sara let out a groan from the floor, blindingly reaching her arm up to hit Fletcher.

We sat for another hour, planning out costumes and expenses, before the night came to a pleasant close.

4 nights later

"Do you have the drinks?" Maddie said is slowly, iterating the words slowly and purposely. Her voice was strong, and her eyes were piercing into Zach.

"I thought you were getting the drinks," Zach defended, putting up his arms. Which looked pretty ridiculous considering dressed up as a hotdog. Maddie was dressed head to toe in white, her black hair pinned back to show off her big eyes.

"What part of 'Zach, get the drinks tomorrow', do you not understand," She sassed, crossing her arms. Zach just shrugged, already formulating how he could get on her good side.

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