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❁ C H A P T E R  F O U R T E E N ❁

D a t e : 5/13/18

Sara was staring at me with her arms crossed tapping her foot. I looked away, chewing the inside of my cheeks. Her blue eyes were big and intense, drilling holes into me.

"How could you have not told her?" She asked, her tone demanding. Looking away guiltily, I shrugged my shoulders.

It had somehow come into conversation that I hadn't told Maddie that I was rejected. Normally Maddie was the first to know of my issues, since she didn't have a tongue like a viper. This time, however, I was nervous about telling her.

A look of realization crossed her face. "You weren't going to tell her," Sara stated, causing a sheepish look to pass my features. Pulling nervously on my curly hair, I sat on her bed, letting out a stressed sigh.

"She's so happy and she doesn't need me bringing her down!" I defended, my voice changing to a whiny tone.

Sara gave me a stolid look, blinking a few times.

"So you decided I was a good match to bring down?" Sara asked, her eyebrows going up.

I let out a nervous laugh, shaking my head. "No way, that's not what I meant!"

Sara just rolled her eyes at me, a shadow of a smile on her face.

"Well, we have to go and tell her," She decided, pulling me up. I sat down immediately after, shaking my head.

"I don't remember agreeing to this! Maddie doesn't know, and what she doesn't know can't kill her!" I argued, flopping down on the bed so she couldn't force me up. I heard if you go dead weight it's harder for you to be kidnapped.

"She deserves to know," Sara was already grabbing her house keys from her dresser.

I wanted to argue some more, but Sara was already heading out the door. Convincing her was near impossible when she was set on her goal, and right now her goal was to tell Maddie of my predicament.

"Can't you just respect my wishes?" I ask as we walked down the stairs. I'm sure if I was facing Sara she'd be rolling her eyes.

"I could, but I'm not going to. We are best friends, and much as I refuse to acknowledge it. This is a trio, not a duo, and everyone needs to be informed!" She stopped at the platform, sharply turning to look at me.

"Besides, if I was rejected and I didn't tell you, don't you think you'd be pissed?"

I stared at her figure as she walked away, biting my lip. I hated her for being right.

The drive to Maddie's house was slow and painful, mainly due to Sara's constant reprimands.

We pulled up to Maddie's suburban home a few minutes past 4 o'clock, yet we stayed stationary in front of her house for longer. Sara sat in silence, letting me brood over whatever disaster was about to incur.

"You ready yet?" Sara asked suddenly, her impatience getting the best of her. She was normally a patient person, but she seemed to be particularly wound up.

I let out a dramatic sigh, and then a groan, arching my back in a stretch. Once I was done with that, I started sifting through my car for my hairbrush, much to Sara's anguish. As I was reached for my water bottle, Sara grabbed it and opened her door.

"You can drink and walk," She told me as she started walking away. Breathing out slowly, I finally got out of the car, and walked after her.

Maddie's father opened the door when we knocked. He seemed rushed, but took a moment to talk to us.

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