Mr. and Mrs. Wood

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I looked down at my flight ticket, then at all my red-nosed friends. Connell had flown up to North Dakota a few hours earlier, with Zach and my parents. They would be flying to set things up with his best friend, and then we'd all be going to Washington. We were going to meet up at Connell's parents, before apparently initiating an act of war?

"This guy just had to be across the country," Sara snapped. Of course she wasn't thinking about the fact the we could possibly die, but of the fact that it was going to be inconvenient.

"Maybe on the flight you can grow a heart," Fletcher said as he wrapped his big arm around Sara. Sara just glanced at him, her glare digging into his soul.

"Want to say that again?" She asked, narrowing her eyes. Fletcher loosened his arm, shaking his head with a nervous laugh.

I shook my head, stuffing my ticket into my pocket. "Guys, get a grip! We're about to go save Mecah's life, can you maybe not fight?"

They just stared at me.

Maddie walked up, pulling her white gloves from her fingers.

"Is this flight going to leave any time soon?" She complained. I just groaned, squeezing my temple.

Normally I was the annoying one, but it seemed that flying with three aggravated teens gave my a new perspective on irritation.

"Flight to Washington can now board," A flight attended said over the speaker. I sighed, grabbing my carry on.

Everyone did the same, and we quickly got on to the plane.

The ride was about as good as expected. Hours and hours passed with little sleep. It was surprising we had even swung the tickets in the first place, but Connell said he knew some people.

I was relieved when the long flight was over. Sara had been bothering me the entire time, saying that she didn't have enough room to draw, and shoving me multiple times. Still, I could see how stressed she was by her rough pencil strokes and occasional pauses. She never stops when she does art at home, it just comes as though she had done it a million times.

I left the plane quickly, stretching as I waited for my friends to get off.

"I hated all of that," Maddie said. She was stuck in between two old ladies, who she said smelled like antique stores.

Fletcher just had a smirk on his face. He was sat next to two incredibly buff men, and talked with them for hours.

Fletcher hailed a cab for us, and we all shoved in, before reading off Connell's parents address. He had called them earlier and told them everything, all the things he had been keeping secret.

"You think they're here yet?" Maddie asked.

Since Connell had left a long time before us, we could only figure he was going to get their before us.

"I hope so," Sara responded, gloomily sinking into her chair.

"Bucket of sunshine," I whispered, pinching her before being swatted away. I looked out the window, watching as building after building past. The drive was a long one, before we came into a thick set of forest.

It took a few minutes before we pulled onto a lone driveway, which was just dust and rocks. Big pine trees loomed over us, pine needles falling effortlessly from the strong breeze.

Fletcher paid for the cab, and then we walked up to the house. It was a one story cabin, fitted with a chimney that spat out smoke. The wood looked old and damaged, but there was a small little flag on the mailbox that said Welcome!

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