P A R T Y - 1

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Words : 2350

Date : March 8th

The school day seemed to drag by, but a buzz of excitement floated through the school. The news of Fletchers' party spread like aids, from the freshmen to the seniors, everyone knew.

Connell's 'drama' was old news by lunch, replaced with news of a freshman who flashed some boys in English. Odd.

Just to show how fast high school drama changes in the blink of an eye. It always seemed to be changing, going from one weird thing to another. It will be different tomorrow, as always.

I drove home right after school ended, waving goodbye to Sara and Maddie. They promised to come and pick me up at 4. My parents weren't going to be home until 5:30, so it was perfect for them not to know. I would just tell them later that Maddie wanted to study, and I had already made a promise to her.

My house was empty and cold, causing me to crinkle my nose. It always seemed so big when everyone was gone. I ran to my room, nearly falling over Juju, my dog, who has decided to waddle his little corgi butt right in front of my feet.

I turned on my heater when I got into my room, and pulled out my piles of makeup. Most of it were gifts from Maddie, who was the only one who knew how to do makeup out of all of us. I was mediocre, and Sara didn't even bother.

Foundation, eyeshadow, some glittery stuff later, and I was ready to go. I tied my hair into a ponytail, trying to flatten my fluffy hair as much as possible. It didn't work.

I checked the time, tapping my feet anxiously as I watched it tick past 4. Of course they were late, it wasn't unexpected. However, it didn't help the twists of my stomach.

Luckily, not long after, I heard the doorbell ring, and I sprung up. Running downstairs, I grabbed my phone and my wallet. Maddie and Sara were both at the door. Maddie was speaking angrily to Sara, who seemed to be staring off absently into space.

Maddie couldn't scare Sara even if she tried.

When Maddie saw me walk out, she shut up, letting her arms fall from their crossed position. She gave me a small smile, looking me up and down.

"Wow, you actually tried," Maddie said, motioning to my short black dress. It was loose, like a nightgown, but much... sexier.

I winked at her, and we both started giggling. Sara even cracked a smile, coming back to earth.

Maddie didn't say what she and Sara were talking about, but I could only assume that Sara said something she shouldn't have, and Maddie got mad at her. One thing about Sara, is that she can't hold her tongue. The only way she does is by not talking at all.

"So what are you going to tell your mom?" Maddie asked as we walked to her car. Sara let out a soft laugh, knowing my answer already. I happened to share my idea with her when I was in art class with her, something which Maddie was not in.

"I told her I was studying with you," I said simply, and Maddie rolled her eyes. My mother would never, ever believe it. Maddie doesn't study, nor does she do her homework, or care about her grades. She had her career already lined up; she was going to take over what her parents did. And that didn't require an A+ in Trig, something which she's on her 2nd try of.

"You're mama's gonna kill you," Maddie laughed, and we all started laughing. I probably shouldn't, knowing she really wasn't wrong. Still, I've survived 18 years, I can survive another night, right?

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