Secrets Exposed

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I stared distastefully at the orange table spread that adorned the kitchen table. Plates were already set, cups filled with ice, yet we were still waiting for the food.

"How much longer," I complained, looking at the bustling kitchen. I had been banned from stepping anywhere near the food, considering I had sticky fingers when it came to delicious treats.

"Patience is a virtue," My mother answered from across the kitchen, earning an eye roll.

"I don't care, I just want to know when I can start eating the rolls," I said impatiently, kicking the leg of my chair methodically.

My mother shot me a glare, before cracking an egg into her chocolate batter.

It was Turkey Day, the day of giving thanks, watching football, and food. Lots and lots of food.

"Can you get any more annoying?" Jeanette tsked, crossing her arms as she leaned into my couch. I stared at her, crossing my own arms.

"You're on my couch right now Jeanette, in my house. Shut up." I answered, stalking away from her. I ran upstairs, a sigh leaving my lips.

The worst part of thanksgiving, was waiting for the food.

"Such a 1st world problem," Dottie chirped as I fell onto my bed. I groaned, my stomach grumbling.

"Maybe..." I answered, crawling beneath my covers.

Connell was alone in his house, but I hadn't found a way to sneak out. My family were all watching like hawks, every glance at the door setting off a little alarm in their head. It was the day of family, and that didn't include Connell. For them, at least.

I shut my eyes and fell into a light sleep, snuggling my teddy bear tightly as I tried to sleep. In the back of my head I could hear the distant ruckus of my family tampering around the kitchen below.

I was barely asleep when a hand shook me awake, causing me to jolt up.

"Wake up sleepyhead, it's dinner time," Zach said, hitting me repeatedly on the arm. I squeezed my eyes shut, throwing my hand in the direction of his body.

We hit each other back and forth, before he grabbed onto my arm and pulled me off the bed. I bounded up, chasing him out of my room and down the stairs.

"ugh!" Jeanette scowled as we pushed past her, shoving her lightly into a wall. I wrapped my hand around Zach's bicep, pulling with all my might backwards to through him off balance.

It didn't work, and instead I slipped on the hardwood floor and fell to the ground. Luckily, Zach tripped over me, so we both ended up squirming on the wood.

"Children, stop it!" Aunt Laura hollered, causing me and Zach to stop in our places. We both looked towards the kitchen, where all of the parents were staring us down.

Throwing a cheeky smile to my Aunt, I started to get up, putting my hand in Zach's face as I stood. Zach glared, but straightened his clothes and stood next to me.

"Dinner time," my mother announced.

Everyone found a place at the table, sitting patiently (or in my case, impatiently), for everyone to say thanks.

"I'm thankful for my family," My mother said cheerfully, looking at my father with happiness. Zach and I looked at each other, a soft smile exchanged. No matter how much they fought, they always found a way back to each other.

"Well, I'm thankful for finding my mate," Jeanette continued. I blinked, looking at her. She seemed sad, underneath the fake happiness.

If anyone could spot fake happiness, it was me.

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